1. Perfect for a quick session rather than heading to the gym.. I had to modify a bit as no impact allowed on my dodgy hips .. so more weighted hiits would be great. Thanks Joe.

  2. Loved this workout!!! Did it last night and just loved that it only took 15 minutes but I really felt like I’d done something!!!! Helping to make me allow myself some goodies but feel in control!!! X

  3. Did a 30min workout yesterday, didn’t break a sweat. Did this 15min session, sweated, cursed Joe, sprawled on the floor, needed CPR, died. Loved every second 😂 90 day plan here I come 🙋🏻‍♀️

  4. @thebodycoach …Joe love you to bits….. can you do some up to date abs and core…this is my “work hardest on” area! 🙏🏻🙏🏻😋😋😬🔥

  5. Double the time…30 minutes done…first round with 5 kg each hand…rest of the rounds with 5 kg vest and 5 kg each hand 🖐….so 25 kg for the squats and lunges….Thanks Mr.Wicks!!! PS. Did you say challenge before Christmas????🤪🤩🥳😎🖐🖐🖐

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