1. I recently hurt my foot and it’s very difficult to get a good workout in since most exercises (at the ones I do) rely on lots of walking. Love that you have this option. It’s going to help me a lot.

  2. 📲*00212679620248* *Whatapps*📲
    ســمــعــت🧏‍♂️ كـثـيـر مـن الــشــبــاب يــبــحــثــون عـن طـريـقـة فـعـالـة✅ لــتــكــبــيــر الـقـضـيـب
    وأنـا أبـشـركـم😉 أنــي حــصــلــت عــلــى الــطــريــقــة الأصــح👍 والــمــنــاســبــة👍 وهـتـشـكـرنـي بــعــديــهــا
    تـواصـل مــعــي وأنـا بــشــرح لـك سـر الــوصــفــة📲*00212679620248* *Whatapps*📲

  3. Good afternoon HASfit tribe, Claudia and Coach Kozak. For starters I'd like to say that I've been exercising with the both of you for only a short while but I really enjoy them. I normally do all of the exercises standing, but I injured my back, sciatica, and it's a bit challenging to enjoy them, free range of motion. Ouch…Anyway, thank you so much for these seated gems! While I am on the mend from sciatica, I can still get in a really good workout. Thank you so much!

  4. HASFit, thank you for investing in seniors, the obese, and those who have limited mobility! Because of obesity and injury, I have arthritic knees, a lumbar fusion and additional spinal stenosis. In 2019, I’ve lost 20 lbs & to progress, I have to add 20 minutes of activity daily. This was the first video I tried and I’m so encouraged. Keep up the good work! 💪

  5. I used those exercises when I had a broken leg. I kept myself fit, healthy, strong and happy. My bone healed sooner than average and I went back to my activities very fast. Thank you! I recomend. There is no excuse, Everyone can do it.

  6. I've been so discouraged about not being able to exercise – I am on dialysis and just don't have the energy. I can't even walk more than five minutes before I get so tired I have to stop. I heard about seated workouts and started researching and found these videos, and I love them! I still can only make it about halfway through, but I can feel my heart pumping, and it feels so good! I need to lose 20 lbs to qualify for a kidney transplant, so I am doing these at least twice a day and hoping to see some improvement quickly – my life depends on it!!!!

  7. Thank you so much for this video! I have been struggling with my weight and keeping a workout schedule for years and this is the first one that really works for me! I can literally take 20 minutes out of any point in my day and do this and it’s so nice to be able to know that I’m doing something good for my body even though I don’t have a lot of time or space!
    Subscribed and notifications are on!

  8. I’m 38 weeks pregnant and made it a goal to workout 6x a week. This workout is perfect because I don’t have to get up and down during the whole workout! Thank you for this video!!

  9. Maybe someday I will be able too contribute. I had given up on life after 10 surgeries and 9-10 episodes with my heart jumping up to over 200 beats a minute. I have been in ccu and icu more times than I care too recall. I was once a power lifter. I won’t bore you with what I could do. Only that I am over 200 pounds heavier than I was then. I fell 30 feet but since I was climbing, or attempting to, a 500 foot rock wall. I had climbed it the previous day successfully. My father in law wanted too video me saying no one my size should be able to climb like a squirrel. I will tell you my biceps were 24” and my thighs 36” ripped. I am or was 6’ even. I had only been married for two years. So the ten surgeries were a burden on my wife more than me. She became an RN too help me. I’m gabby. Too the point, this is possibly the twentieth workout with you. I also do a 15 minute seated tai chi for my back pain. I had to have 3 right ankle reconstructive surgeries two knee scopes rotator cuff repair both wrist and an elbow. So now I have lost 60 pounds and realized my grandson was my reason to get back too shape. I have a goal. When I reach it you get before and after pictures.

  10. This is great for me while I recover from knee surgery and can’t do too much. I still can’t do some of the exercises on here but it’s definitely better than nothing. Thank you!

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