1. For all you stupid idiots out there, most of all the guys in all the gyms work out with a bottle of some weird substance to get buffer in the gym facts, inbox me if you think I’m wrong. All that weird pink juice, and blue shit is bad for you. Wake the hell up, you shrink nuts 🥜, can’t get it up, killing your kidneys dipshits

  2. How long did it take you to see results in your body? I’m trying to get bigger and more defined and I’ve only been in the gym since June and now it’s September I don’t see that much change

    My friends say my arms got a bit bigger but I don’t see anything really. I still see the same skinny in the mirror

    I’m also trying to eat more, but I don’t know how long I should wait to see changes. Is there something I’m doing wrong? Could really use some help

  3. Thank you Simeon and Chanel for you lovely and Superb video, it's very professional of you guys to explain the way you do the abs exercises. Keep posting more of such free hand fitness videos…….and both of you have really nice physique…..👌👌👍👍…Enjoy….

  4. You guys looking great! Very motivational. Luv ur couple videos!! 😍 Also can you plz show how to work out back/ chest and legs on cable maching only. Or dumbells. My gym has a limited sqat/smith machine so i never get to use it 😒 And also Simeon can you and Shan show us how being fit affects you in all/other areas of your life. From a male/female and couple point of view 🌹💕

  5. Simeon you are the mann… you are the man who motivate us inspire us in every side, i have even created my own YouTube channel about fitness coz of your motivation. I would love some support / feedback so guys please hit subscribe and check it out. Peace

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