1. Does this make the butt bigger? I already have a big butt and don't want it to grow anyone. Please someone tell me if I can do it and not grow my butt.

  2. I’ve been a petite girl all my life (we are the same age, just a couple days apart 🤗) but I’ve always gained fat in unwanted places like belly, back, etc. I always customized my own home workouts towards my goal which is booty growth, losing belly fat, toning up and strengthening my body. With those workouts I sweat but not as much as I felt I should. I was barely into the second round of this and I was dripping in sweat. I guess I’ve been doing it wrong! I’ve followed you for a while and I’ve done your workouts but I feel like this is way more structured and better to follow. I wasn’t able to do the third round though cause I’m weak af lol. I also love that you do this all with no charge!! So many fit women out there charge for these plans and some people (like me) would buy it and barely stick to it. Personally, it’s very hard to stick to working out regularly because I get really bad periods and I take a week break and don’t start back again. I notice that two days after a workout, I’m much more sore than the day after. But I’ll try my absolute best to stick to this because you have the perfect workouts for my goals!You’re amazing for this!!

  3. Hi gals,so I decided to post my results of the 4 weeks bikini body challenge.i hope I motivate someone out there who wants to start.
    I started on July 1st 2019 and today is 27th July 2019
    Before the workout I weighed 60kg -62kg depending on the time I weighed,my waist was 36inches
    Butty 38inches
    Hips 39inches
    After challenge
    Weight 60kg
    Waist 29inches
    Butty 39inches
    Hips 40invhes
    Well,I can't believe it either .at some point I wanted to quit because it didn't burn anymore.i am not a workout person so I dont have any of her equipment not even a resistance band but I was consistent
    In addition I did squats every night before bed.50 from the beginning. It was 5 sets of 10,then later I was doing 2 sets of 25 before I knew I was doing 2 sets of 50 each night
    I usually didn't like the abs days so mostly I did booty on most abs days and tested on Sundays
    I feel stronger and am not stopping anytime soon maybe I will be adding more reps to make it s but intense.

  4. I have a question

    I have been lifting weights every day for a while to loose my arm fat and gain more muscle, and I've gained a lot of muscle, but none of my fat is going away. Can anyone tell me why, or what I should do to change it?

  5. Starting the body challenge for a second time day 1 again 💪🏽 have definitely seen results from the first time. I’m coming for the 🔥🔥 body and abs I’ve always wanted

  6. Starting this challenge today 🤗 Going to post a video with my results on our YouTube channel at the end of the challenge 💪🏾. Go subscribe to our YouTube channel 💕& be on the lookout for that video. I will keep you guys updated on how the challenge is going in the comments & when the video is posted 👍🏾

  7. I just did this work out with my little siblings for bonding. We did it 3x like you said and we were ALL sweating. I did want to mention I feel it more on my legs and not so much on my butt 🙁 I felt the burn on my butt during the workout but not so much after. Am I doing something wrong? Please help anyone I put my weight on my heels but don’t feel much on my butt after. Will I feel it tomorrow? Really need to grow my booty thanks everyone

  8. Hi guys, I know it’s late but I’ve just finished the BBC and this are my results:
    Started with
    Waist: 26 inches
    Booty:35,5 inches

    Finished with:
    Waist:25 inches!
    Booty:35 inches

    But I never did cardio and I never worked out on Saturday, so that works even if u are a bit naughty

  9. I did 2xs with leg weights n by the 3rd time around i had to take off weights. I wanted to strangle this 🐝through the 2nd round but i made it n this does burn the right areas if u squeeze. Also works abs shoulders n arms.

  10. VICKY!! You are the best!!! I work out at work during my lunch hour!! So I recently came across your videos and boy you have helped me target areas I haven't and I already see results!! And I love how you really show the intensity of the work outs and your funny comments!! Girl keep it up!!!

  11. lol I stopped doing your routines bc I was so freaking busy at school and life in general. I used to do your routines for bigger booty and they definitely work, can’t wait to get back in shape. Thank you so much girl, love you

  12. hopefully I do not forget about my comment… but I’m going into high school in September and Im really insecure about my body and am trying to feel better about myself, I’m going to start this challenge today and do it for 2 months (until school starts) and let you guys know how it’s going every couple weeks…wish me luck😁

  13. So I started the BBC today and went for a run before the workout thinking the workout wasn't cardio enough…boy was I wrong!!! I sweat buckets…felt great though!😁

  14. Just finished Day 1, I’m dying but I’m so excited! I’m actually recording all my progress for my own channel! 29 more days to go!! Also thank you for being so real that’s what really made me motivated to do this.

  15. I’m so excited for this because today is Monday so imma do this today!! Also I want to do this bikini body challenge because my birthday is coming up in a bout 4 weeks so I want to look nice in my bikini on my birthday. I been watching you recently and I already love you and positivity!! Keep up the good work.

  16. Omg I feel so accomplished! Just finished the exercises 3 times. Sweating, but booty is bouta be poppinnn- thanks Vicky, and I hope that all the ladies out there also watching her and doing the exercises reach their goal!! DONT GIVE UP!!!

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