1. Thank youu Emii for your amazing videos!! I have a question if you can help me im a beginner in weight lifting , how many days a week should i lift?? Thank youu dear much love

  2. Wow. This really inspired me! I need to amp up my workout game I guess if I want to be as fit as Emi! You go girl! How often do you do a workout like this per week?

  3. Hi Emi! I absolutely love your videos! I was just wondering… at what point in someone's fitness journey would you think that they are able to start CrossFit? And, how do you learn about it? do you get a trainer or attend classes or did you research it all on your own? Thanks!

  4. Hi Emi! Love your videos!! I'm so inspired by you and you help me out of bulimia! Now because of you, I'm interested in crossfit! Can you make more videos about your crossfit training? love uuuuu!!

  5. hi Emi, for the barbel leg raise, have you ever heard a crack from your spine, Is that normal in that position I always heard the crack sound.

  6. It would be great to see an upper body and lower body workout ie like pull ups, barbell rows, military press… whatever you do. How often do you train like this? How much cardio and hiit circuits? Xxxx

  7. It would be so cool if you could a butt & thigh workout but please do a knee friendly and not one with just squats. I love your videos so much!! 💗

  8. i keep doing ur workouts everyday. but im still wondering, after u followed Kayla's 2 rounds of BBG , did u see a huge difference from ur butt ? i mean did it grow bigger or sth ? haha anyway thanks for ur videos

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