1. When I read the "happiness boost yoga" in the title I couldn't help it but I was like yeah right, because I still have the tendecy see yoga just as a physical exercise. But wow, I can't believe what today's video did to me, I feel so great and energized! And that's something to say because I have exams at university, four in just this week are ahead of me and I've been feeling very stressed. I'm so glad I started practicing yoga every day, I feel much better, my back doesn't hurt anymore and I'm starting to see yoga as more than physical exercise ♥

  2. Today something really crazy happened to me while I did this session. I finished up a pose that had been really hard for me and congratulated myself for improving. In the back of my mind a critical voice said, "yeah, you did better at this but what does it matter? No one can see it. You're still ill. Imagine what you could do if you weren't sick, or if you put your energy toward something that mattered to everyone?" Usually I'd feel guilty and sad because of this. Today I became protective of myself. I told that voice that, "doing yoga with Adrien makes me feel better and I am getting a lot more done in my life because of it. Even if that weren't all true, I'm not giving this up because it isn't for someone else." I feel like I'm fundamentally changing.

  3. It took me nearly a week to get through day 17, but I don't regard that as a failure at all. I am getting clearly stronger and more flexible with daily practice. I am excited to find out about Day 18.

  4. love the content, loath the self help ads that pop up at the start of every video but glad you can make money from doing this and can keep helping people with your work.

  5. Day 17 ✔️ Hi lovely friends! It's really so cool to see how so many of us are synchronized with some of the things we do and how we feel as we progress through practice; things like practicing outside for the first time (I did today as well!) along with shifting the mindset of judging myself for everything I couldn't do (yet) and, like you said, going into that "chill zone." Haha, it really reminded me of Bruce Lee's quote to be like water and really be in the "flow" of yoga. Instead of comparing and judging myself, I make the adjustment, do my best and keep moving.

    No doubt this has truly helped my resilience, and I've been turning these practices with you into something I enjoy and do forever! Haha, but honestly things are so different for me now. I feel like all the hard work I've been putting in for myself in silence on my yoga mat in my little room has really humbled me; to think a mat and a floor and good vibes can improve your connections with yourself and the universe. It also feels odd because when I was going through some difficult times alone, I turned to yoga to pick up my health again. And now that I'm getting better mentally and physically, so many people I talked to ("friends") have been calling me lately and telling me about all the bad things that have been happening in their lives (it's almost like bad things sniff out the good energy), and this time around I'm really practicing not feeling guilty for mindful of my own energy and time. I used to think it was narcissistic to care about your own feelings, but now I've realized that it was something taught to us, that guilt to take care of ourselves, so that others could more easily take advantage of us.

    Man, I had a lot to say today. Thanks for reading if you did, and don't forget that I and many others have love for you and your hard work. Namaste 🙏

  6. I feel like I’ve come into a new stage with the practice today. This was hard, though. I was surprised at how much balance the floor routine requires.
    The yogic squat was where I hurt myself before so now I know how to modify for the time being.
    Feeling good! 🥰

  7. Having a lot of issues with my hip flexers. I’ve been doing yoga for 4 yrs and have never had this much discomfort and tightness. Any ideas or tips to help? Thanks!

  8. I was super sore from going to the gym and I was not looking forward to 30 min of yoga, but this was actually the best I've felt since starting the challenge. Thank you for guiding us towards what feels good✨

  9. wow.. today I felt my strength and light for the first time in a long time, Nearly cried in my Shavasana, happy tears of course! Will return to day 17 when I need a happy boost. Thankyou Adrienne.

  10. Day 17 something amazing happened I felt an incredible warm glow of bliss like feeling when we were three quarters of the way through it was so warm and I wonder what that is ? Adrienne ?

  11. Day 17 and still alive! Such a challenging practice yet fulfilling at the same time. I just got home from a long ride and convinced myself that I need some yoga to relax. 🙂 I didn't know what I was up against though! HAHA… Balancing, falling, and all! Downward facing dog is now an official favorite!

    Craziness aside, this practice surely boosted my happiness! Thank you sooo much, Adriene! ❤️

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