1. Okay hey so I’ve been doing this for three days now because honestly I want to look fwine af too and we have a similar body type and I was just wondering how the mf do you handle this SORENESS. I just had a baby and haven’t been doing shit the past year pretty much and momma can’t even unclick the freaking seat belt. Pls halp

  2. OMG I WAS SO OBSESSED WITH THE SCALE THAT IT MADE I STARTED TO GET ANXIETY WHEN I DIDNT SEE THE NUMBER DROP. However I’m so much better now. Before and after pictures and measurements definelty helped me see the difference compared to the scale!!

  3. Y’all, I started my weight loss journey at the beginning of this year (I know, so cliche but🤷🏼‍♀️) I weighed 250 pounds to begin with, I’ve lost 3 pounds so far. I just started a follow my weight loss journey instagram account. (@weight_loss_journey_19) If y’all would follow me it would really help keep me goin/motivated.

  4. Could you do an in depth video on how to get into lifting and basic exercises we can do to get started? I’m sure there are videos out there, but you explain things clearly and are really motivating for me 🙂 or if you have a video recommendation I could watch

  5. Love your channell! Congrats on all your progress with it – specifically your captions thorough the video! It's edited so well – so clean and simple. That + your infectious, genuine personality make for a great channel and community. Thanks gurl!!!

  6. Hey girl 😍love the channel, you have great tips for beginners so I have a question so should you or do you switch up the workouts you do each week when having a split workout?

  7. I’m 5’8, have always been athletic, and have a pretty thick figure but want to tone up before summer comes around. I want to lose weight around my stomach and arms but want to keep my thighs and get bigger glutes. What schedule would you suggest so I can improve but also maintain what I don’t want to lose? So how many days should be cardio and how many should be strengthening?

  8. This video is what I needed. Ive been going to the gym regularly since I started school in the fall but I haven't based my workouts on my goals. This made me realize simple workouts can be more beneficial!

  9. I am motivated to restart my journey (lost 15lbs) but I hate going to the gym by myself. Ugh I always feel like the fitness gurus in there are looking at me. That’s why I like going at 6/6:30 am but it’s cold now and walking 12 minutes that early isn’t fun.
    Anyway I’ll try to ding a happy middle. Congrats on your new beginning. Can wait to see you achieve your goals. 😌

  10. I’m so glad I’m just finding you. Thank you for giving some insight of weightlifting for beginners. You gave me some great tips and I will definitely be using your worksheets. Can’t wait to see your progress. 🤗❤️❤️

  11. You are by far my favorite YouTuber!!! I freaking love your energy and your positivity!! Can I hop on your goal with you? 😍 Abs by May 2019, it’s 20 weeks away that’s totally doable 😁

  12. YES!! You have the same goal as me! I’ve stopped looking at how many pounds I weigh! I’ve gained weight in my stomach and arms so I’m focusing on that while trying to keep my ass and thighs. So keep this up with more videos because my friend and I are working out every day early in the morning now and I need inspo!

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