1. Hi lucy, I would love to ( I need to) work on my legs, I am 54 years and my legs are very bubbly and inside not tight. I don't know how to say it in english. I work 4 days at the office, once a week one hour zumba but that is not enough! I can not wear dresses because of my shame. Do you have any tips how my legs can be firm again in a short time?

  2. Thanks Lucy for your workout I have just recently came across your workout videos . I have a pear shape body and I am praying your workouts will help me to gain strength and get in shape because of my health. Thanks again .

  3. Lucy! I loved these workouts, I'm gonna miss them so much!!!!
    I did them every morning and I think gained a lot of strength thanks to them. This month was quite tough for me due to final year exams but your workouts always kept me going 🙂
    Thank you so much 😙😙

  4. Lucy I am a fairly new subbie. I was subscribed to several other channels but since finding yours, I have unsubscribed to theirs. I love the way I feel after exercising with you. I have a quite a bit of joint issues but I find your exercises less jarring on my joints. I am 67 years old. I just want to tell you how AMAZING!!!! I think you are. Thank you so much.xoxo

  5. Challenge complete! I really liked the last 2 videos of this challenge! 6 other women from the metro-Detroit, MI & Windsor, ON area have joined me through the entire month <3

  6. Lucy my work is mostly desk job in office it makes my hand lean and big thighs ,big belly and big butts.you released so many exercise in your channel and I am in confusion please tell me best work out for me in your videos.my height is 168 cm and weight 73 kg.pls save me.i am really affected by pot belly and bigger thighs which always frictious.

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