1. ► 30-Day Chest With Abel Albonetti: https://bbcom.me/2pjBIHy

    ► All Access 7-Day Free Trial: https://bbcom.me/2nThG6l

    | Abel Albonetti's High-volume Chest Building Workout |

    1. Incline Barbell Bench Press: 5 sets, 12/10/10/10/8 reps

    2. Incline Dumbbell Bench Press: 5 sets, 10 reps

    3. Dumbbell Bench Press: 4 sets, 10 reps

    4. Incline Dumbbell Fly: 4 sets, 10 reps

    5. Machine Fly: 4 sets, 12 reps

    6. Superset

    a. High-To-Low Cable Fly: 6 sets, 12-15 reps

    b. Push-Up: 6 sets, 12-15 reps

  2. 30+ sets of chest in a single workout with a second chest day later in the week? And almost every set to failure? For a total of what I'd assume to be 60 sets in a week of chest?? Good grief this is a surefire way to injure yourself and/or vastly underrecover. There's almost no chance anyone watching this can recover from that amount of volume and improve performance week to week. Beyond 10-12 sets in a single session causes so much muscle damage already, doing 30 in a session all to failure is just junk volume that's killing your recovery.

  3. hey Abel, that is a most intense workout!! if i tried this workout, i`d have to drop the weight significantly, as i am only in the beginners stage with 2 years of weight training under my belt. i am only now just starting to see some nice gains. i'm sure i will get there eventually, and make you proud!! thank you so much for sharing my friend, with love from Wes!!! hugs!!!

  4. If you're doing a very high number of sets, you can't be going to failure as often as he suggests (every freaking set seems to be to failure). Not sustainable – you'll get yourself injured or over-reached in no time. You pick one: volume or intensity; can't do both.

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