1. Im 5'4 and 160lb so according to my doctor i am overweight for my height. And i have an annoying double chind that makes me EXTREMELY insecure. I try to lose weight but its so difficult. Dieting is hard and even though i go to the gym its not as frequently as it should be. I dont feel like my double chin was really a weight problem though because I did not always have it even though ive always been the same weight. Actually I lost alot of weoght since graduating highschool but all of a sudden a double chin appeared. Idk what to do anymore cause at this point im considering going to the professionals now..

  2. I just got mine done today! The first 10 minutes sucked, it was uncomfortable & slightly painful (like a 5/10 PX level) then it was whatever afterwards. The massage SUCKED. That was definitely the worst part! I saw a lot of great reviews and even the people who work in the clinic showed me their before and afters. I’m not fat, but due to genetics, I’ve always had a little fat right under my chin that I’ve always been insecure about & im really hoping the results are worth the money bc it was a big chunk (I paid $675)

    It’s been about an hour since the procedure, it’s a little numb, warm to the touch. The redness is gone, it’s just a little tender. Pain level is 2/10. Don’t know if anyone would bother reading this, but I hope it helped someone out who’s thinking about doing this!☺️

  3. i think you didn't wanted to do the treatment..because..staying natural is something good than doing treatments ..as treatments can bring future problems and also..Good to be natural. YOU LOOK BEAUTIFUL ALREADY.. so dont do anything else okay.

  4. If you lookat the before and after she has her head backed in which gives her the full underchin look compared to her after she has her head stick out which looks more thinned out and neck fat is not bulged out.

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