1. 1. Standing v raise x15
    2. Shoulder press ×15
    3. Kickbacks ×15
    4. Tricep extension x15
    5. In & out curls ×20
    6. Inside curls ×10 each arm
    7. Reverse Flys ×15
    8. Havyk raises ×15
    9. Dips ×15
    10. Pushups ×15
    11. Reverse curls ×20
    12. Curl holds ×10 *very slowly

  2. Am I the only one that thinks breathing at 2.04 is wrong? When you go up, you have to breathe out; when you go down, you have to breathe in. Anyway, I really appreciate the video, especially the slow movement.

  3. For exercises like the standing v raise, what if you are struggling to bring the dumbbells to your shoulders? Does that mean I need lighter dumbbells? Someone please reply I really need help!

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  5. Can I share some of my opinions? I've been through this, myself. I don't think restricting diet is sustainable in the long term because once you break it, you'll feel so ashamed, and guilty, and would binge eat, A LOT. What I'd suggest is to find something you love, and simply cut the amount on it. Because scientifically, it is impossible NOT to lose weight if you eat slightly less and do a bit more exercise. And I don't think there's a one size fits all routine because everyone's got different body types which require different energy intake. Also, don't be harsh on yourself, it is OKAY to over eat sometimes because humans symbolise food for celebration and social events for thousands of years, we associate it with good things naturally. It's part of our culture. The reason why we overeat is because we use food to release our emotion. When we're angry, we eat. When we're sad, we eat. Imagine if you don't have that emotion, would you overeat/reach out to that cookie? If you can break that mental pattern, and develop a new habit/find an alternative like walking or breathing – you can forget about willpower because you're now NATURALLY doing it.

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