1. hey cori i have a question i have been trying to exercise more regularly and i am having a hard time working out more regularly because i have been working a lot any suggestions

  2. Hey there Cori 👋😊  Happy New Year !!!  …  Nice channel you have going here !!!   Congrats on all your success, and wishing the best for even more in 2019 and beyond  … Excellent workout as well , and I can't wait to see more outstanding  content in the future. 👍😊  ….  I did wonder ,  do you ever reverse the order of each exercise you do for a workout, whether its lower body or upper , or do you feel more comfortable with the same pattern and always doing potentially heavier lifts first ??  Like here (for legs / glutes) you started with squats and ended with hamstring curls , so would you do curls first and eventually end with squats ??   …  And do you think you will add more cardio time to your routines during 2019 ?? …  Well keep going strong   💪  and keep on inspiring. 😊  Looking forward to being apart of the  Cori Rae  fan club!!      Cheers. 🍷😎

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