1. Mulan is strength, pure power. No one is beyond her. I loved her so much. She was silent most of the movie letting her power and hard work speak in her behalf. I love her so much soooooooooooooooooooo much. She also laid the basis for the drag culture. And gender expression, she was not afraid to be herself. She is very noble and kind and brave, I am so happy that they are making live action movie on her. <3

  2. Любимейший мультфильм детства. До сих пор обожаю его пересматривать. Невероятно как схоже звучит русская версия и английская

  3. When I first heard the song, I didn’t know mushu had a part in it, I always thought Shang sang that one part of the song, the part that said “this guys got him scared to death” I thought Shang sang, until recently where I heard it was mushu, not Shang

  4. Can we have a movie showing the problems and challenges that men have to go through like crying being seen as weakness or expressing being seen as abnormal especially for children as they are taught this without knowing with your movies I feel you could do something but you don't read comments so why would you do that…

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