1. Think about the food cost of fast food versus good groceries… Sometimes good groceries actually cost more, but often time I think you will find that you have more money than you had thought when you consider your food budget… you are Mighty Mieka! And blessed 💖🔥🌹

  2. I'm rooting for you. Im not fasting but I am trying to eat better. I ate a pizza yesterday I felt so bad I went and did an hr walk. The food looks good. Praying for your strength during the next 48 hrs.

  3. Low carb , O M A D, intermittent fasting, exercise, none of that matters if you keep stuffing your face with more calories than your body needs ,, you will never lose weight because you aren’t changing your food habits,,, you keep eating the same junk and expect different results ,,,, that’s called insanity

  4. Fast food calls me every Saturday and I answer it every time it’s fine to reward yourself if you complete the goals you set for yourself for the week (If I fail my week goals I don’t reward myself)

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