1. Hi Lucy, I’m 5 weeks- is this safe to do this early on?
    I am a larger lady and was in my process of loosing weight in order to have a baby, however we were blessed and it happened quicker than we thought it would. I’m worried now that I am going to be bigger than ever after being pregnant. So any advice would be greatly appreciated. Xx

  2. Lucy u r too good i have taken all ur challenges n everything works i can see the changes in a week itself since I'm pregnant now I'm doing these workout.. Thanks Lucy i recommend all my friends to Lucy's workout they r very effective💪✌👌.. Thanks Lucy..

  3. I am almost done with my 1st trimester and here are my thoughts: I started off in 8th week of pregnancy and went for a 5 times a week workouts (including 20 minutes of pregnancy walk, 1st trimester HIIT and 3 rounds of this specific prenatal workout + at least 90 minutes of outdoor walking every evening). I didn't gain a pound until my 13th week and I really feel fit and energetic so I can only recommend this combination. <3 How are you doing?

  4. How many time would you recommend doing this video in a day while in first trimester? I know you repeated the moves twice in this video. But would you suggest repeating the video a second time? I feel like it might not be enough but I don’t know much about how much exercise is ok in the first trimester. This is my second baby!

  5. I really appreciate this your workout,honestly l am 7weeks but I look so tired every seconds but after this workout now I noticed a big difference??Thanks alot as I look forward to see more

  6. Hello i am 5weeks now, did this workout today, i want to stay fit and prevent extra weight gainIs this video enough to be done?? And do i have to do this daily???

  7. hey I really loved your exercise im almost 5weeks pregnant is it safe to continue in this exercise , my first pregnancy i ganied almost 30 kg i lost 20 and found out i was pregnant again so i wna maintain my current weight. any other advice

  8. Hi Lucy, I suffer from cervical incompetence, I know it's unlikely but is there any exercise I could still do with a cervical cerclage? I feel my pregnancies although giving me my blessings of my babies leave me so unhealthy and baron of any goodness I'd like to be able to keep active next pregnancy thank you jemma

  9. please please please lucy do programs for each trimester that will keep pregnant ladies going!! I totally need this for my sis to stay motivated :))

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