1. Hello my friends. I hope you can take time to reunite not only with your breath, but with your story, your sense of self, and remember – in order to love and serve – you have to start with your relationship to you. x

  2. I really needed this practice, it's very relaxing and I definitely felt my clouded mind letting go of all the negative thoughts and emotions and lost myself in the breath! I love it <3 Thanks Adriene!!

  3. I really like the breathing with arms exercise. I like doing the push forward and pull in arm exercise. It's like your pushing away the negative energy, and bringing in the positive.

  4. Connecting breath with arms up / down was great! I realized I was holding my hip flexors and stomach muscles while inhaling. Why wouldn't I allow myself a full inhale? Not sure of the answer yet, but I definitely noticed the inhale was more challenging and the exhale was so enjoyable and freeing. Just some interesting things I noticed in my body and thought I'd share. Loved this gentle practice!

  5. Finding awareness of my breath with this video had me discovering fuller awareness of my body too. Loved the practice of coordinating my breathing with my body (a very enjoyable challenge). Very much appreciating your guidance and your supportive and humorous style Adriene. TY

  6. I found that I could exhale much much further than I could inhale, so after my hands reached the floor, I brought them back up and gave myself a hug as I finished each exhale, alternating which arm was on top. I loved this practice and will return to it at least once a week!

  7. Adriene, do you have any advice for asthmatics when it comes to breathing for yoga? I struggle to take long deep breaths especially through the nose – I end up yawning just to get more air in! It would be wonderful to have a video about how to practice good breathing techniques when you need to take more frequent breaths than most. Xx

  8. Somehow the last practice was more tiring for my body than an hour of yoga. The first time I followed this video, got to the last practice, I gave up and just stopped. This time I realized I wanted to stop and do the same but kept going and yayyy made it 🙂 Thank you Adriene for this practice, I am feeling very good now and truly appreciate this 🙂

  9. I’ve been struggling with a lot ever since I graduated without a job. Recently several things happened that made me take a hard look at what I’m doing in life, and I’m starting to find out who I am again. After this practice was the first time I’ve felt at peace in a while. I am just me, and I will always be here for myself. Thank you Adriene for this practice that brings it back to basics.

  10. I woke up feeling some nervous energy linked to an upcoming job interview, and just knew that Adrienne would have the goods. I looked through my 'liked' videos and landed on this beauty. Magic. I know I'll be returning to it again and again in future. Feeling calmer, and ready to breathe through my interview. Thank you, Adrienne x

  11. Thank you Adriene! The mantra I have been keeping in mind since I started my daily yoga practise has been 'Take deeper breaths'. This practise was perfect to remind of what that mantra really means. I have a cold with a blocked nose right now, so it was a good time to focus on my breathing and see that I can still take deep breaths with some adjustment.

  12. It was an amazing morning practisr for me.
    I feel that when you connect with your breath it really feels good.
    Its like a fire that burns within,you just have to light it up.
    Thank you Adrienne for another great practise sharing .

    Have an awesome week everyone.

  13. I have been struggling with anxiety all day today. Chest pain, tight jaw, shoulders at my ears the whole nine. My dear friend told me to ask my body what it needs. I unfortunately am not that I tune with my precious body. So I opened YouTube to find your lasted post and this video was suggested. I felt God with me through the deep breathing with the arms super healing! Thank you so much for sharing your gift with us.

  14. Gracias Adriene!! It has been a month or so without yoga, I'm recovering from an injury in my foot… But I need it so much, and this was a sweet way to reunite with my yog path, my beloved breath, my beloved body (especially my beloved foot 😉) but most of all my heart… With so much bumping this days… You see… I'm Chilean… I'm suffering terrible for my people… Well… I just want to say thank you, Gracias Adriana!! 😘

  15. I think I have issue with other people doing this at the same time. One of the reasons I do yoga at home is to be by myself. I practice yoga before anyone wakes up so I can be alone. For some reason, every time Adriene says to remember everyone practicing yoga together, bothers me. I obviously have issues about that I need to work on.

  16. Love this one, I am incorporating yoga into my days again and this was a great one to keep in mind. I always try to do things right and complete them, but with a toddler I have to learn to be more flexible in mind, body, and spirit. Thanks love <3

  17. This video helped me feel grounded for the first time since starting my yoga journey. I will return to this as often as possible for grounding and breathing! ❤️ Thank you.

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