1. On a scale from 1 to 10? About a 100. I'm scared of hunger. I used to get dizzy from hunger (due to low blood sugar) and sometimes so hungry to the point of feeling faint. So now I am always scared will my meal be nutritionous enough, when will be the next time hunger strikes, etc.

  2. Hi everyone! I lost about 35 lbs, so far. BUT. That is not the important part. That is a happy side effect. The important part is that I feel better, I have a more positive self-image, I have more energy, I’m learning to cook, I’m learning to exercise, I’m learning to enjoy a healthier lifestyle.

    The single most important factors in my weight loss success to date have been:

    getting my mindset in a healthy and positive place and not focussing on the scale more than it is worth

    getting support from others who help me stay accountable and cheer me on in a healthy way.

    Every time I have tried to lose weight out of dissatisfaction with myself or focussed exclusively on the weight as the goal rather than improved health, I have had short-term success that almost immediatley reversed itself when I couldn’t sustain it.

    Hope this helps, you can also follow my journey to learn more how i get out from WEIGHT ROLLERCOASTER here: http://manylink.co/@healthfab

  3. What about people on a budget and cannot afford certain foods all the time. My husband and I have 6 kids. I am a start at home mom. Daycare was more than what I was bringing home. Any meal ideas? Any suggestions. My husband and I want healthier meals but can't figure out how with so many of us.

  4. Moral of the presentation (Eat natural food)
    Encourage you to cook
    Encourage you to enjoy the outdoors by planning your own garden.
    Lastly enjoy the health benefits from eating natural food.
    Thank you 👍

  5. Great video! I've often found that when my patients are always hungry, more often than not it's due to a fungal infection. Once they heal their gut, their constant hunger goes away.

  6. Very very helpful video! Thank you for the encouragement and the information. I took a lot of notes. I'm gonna try the Mediterranean diet, so any more info available on that diet would be helpful! 😍

  7. Too much thinking and work with natural foods. I just want food to be easy, cheap, convenient, and still manage to be healthy. I'd go with a company that sends you meals, but they are all too expensive.

  8. I found myself hungry more when it's time for my period. But I don't get a period. I don't eat processed foods sugars or gluten. I'm type 2 diabetic but the big BUT I'm going through perimenopause. So I'm really having issues with weight loss. Is there something perimenopause and or menopausal women can do to side with losing midwaist problems?

  9. Started IF about a month ago. Was hungry at 11am for a few days as it was the time I normally ate my lunch at. Now, not an issue on my 16/8 fasts. I am actually more hungry on days that I dont fast.

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