1. It would be interesting to know what your usual diet of added sugars looked like vs this low sugar week. That way you could use the data to tweak your intake where it needed work. My husband did that with carbs when he transitioned to keto & learned a lot from it. I didn't, but wish I would have. I hope you have a great day!

  2. I love love love the separated salad fixings for your salad, that is so cool! Doesn’t it feel like a marvelous victory when we find out our meal is low sugar?😁👍😁✨ I still experience a lot of swelling and inflammation-because of my workouts but water helps sooo much with that. I was easing into the challenge before it started too lol! I think a couple of days to get the mindset On was valuable right? I’ve found that when I lower the sweetness in my coffee, I drink less. I have been looking for the Pro granola and can’t seem to find it. You are doing amazing Jess!!! Last night I was exhausted too!! You can see it in my last video. I think it was the low sugar thing too, with life. Wow you’re also doing low carb? Is it just this week? 😄✨💕✨

  3. Looks good 👍 I've been feeling exhausted and run down lately and I think I need a low sugar challenge too. I have had too much lately, which is not helping anything! Keep us posted on how your feeling 😊

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