1. This new beginners class is about the breath. Remember when your mind wanders to all the things happening in your life off of the mat, to think nothing of it, exhale, and bring yourself back to your next mindful and gentle inhale. Listen to you body and always have fun.
    Love and light to you all
    Juliana & Mark ❤️

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  2. Thank you for your yoga videos juliana, I get so excited whenever I get a notification when you post a new yoga video. I do every single one, and love them all. Namaste ❤

  3. I've watched this as soon as I got noticed while I am in #HK & that time and I havent practise it yet and now that I am here in #Bali for awhile and I literally just tried it for the 1st time and that #AWildThing or #AFlipDownwardDog is my new fave pose, actually is not difficult like it seems to be so thank you so much again Dear Juliana love your voice + flawless movement + calming music background (thanks to your beloved DJ Mark? hahaha) + places those vids been taken + styles + the vibrant of your outfit & yoga math and the nature always in similar beautiful colour, you both really put your heart and love into it, plus thanks to your TEAM too and yes “we are exactly where we need it to be”, Thanks for the love of acknowledging us into a compelling & beautiful yoga! Love from #Bali & soon to #Sumba where my home town is, probably you both should do a travel there, cos for the record our beaches more astonishing then Bali, Bali now days is not as charming like it used to be 11yrs ago..but hopefully my beautiful Sumba wont be like Bali in the future, sure change is good but we must care and appreciated the nature so there wont be just a place where ppls tryna take advantage of it for them self yeah..anywho, keep shining you both! I maybe make some vids yoga in my beautiful Sumba.. 🤗🙏👏💚💙😘

  4. Another wonderful practice. I love ❤️ the positive message in the end about receiving joy and abundance, perfect start to my day today thank you ❤️☮️

  5. Thank you for sharing this beautiful practice, for sharing your beautiful energy, & for sharing the spirit of Tibet…after doing this practice I feel like I’m in Tibet😃😍Thank you so so much, Mark & Juliana 🙏💜💜✨

  6. I havent commented for a while. If you go back a few years you'll see I commented on almost every video haha. Boho Beautiful has been such a huge part of my yoga journey and my life journey. I am now a yoga teacher, largely inspired by Juliana. When anyone asks me what type of teacher I want to be, well, I want to be like Juliana. Calm, inspiring, peaceful, yet strong and capable and determined. Thank you for bringing so much value into my life. Wishing you nothing but the best. Love and light, xo

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