1. However this message finds you today, I hope you can take a loving inhale in…
    And follow your breath out,
    As you remember, It’s a process.
    Give thanks and praise for all that you are and all that you have.
    What are you thankful for today?

  2. My hip was already hurting me when I started this, so I was a bit nervous to continue. However, this is the first yoga video for chronic pain that I’ve found that doesn’t hurt me. I completed it all the way through! Thank you.

  3. So grateful to have found your videos! Your care and kindness flows from your voice and intentions. A resounding thank you for that! After 12 months of continued sciatic pain, 4 herniated discs in low back and neck this has been a year! Adding your voice and yoga to my pain management calendar. Grateful doesn’t begin to explain how excited I am to have found you. Hope returns!!! 🙏❤️😊

  4. You're an angel. Chronic pain feels like it takes over my life, as I can barely leave the house most days. Your videos help ground me and appreciate life. From the bottom of my heart, thank you ❤️💯

  5. Thank you! I am 21 and have been struggling with chronic pain for a couple of years (it comes and goes). Recently I only noticed the things that I could not do and the amount of pain that I was in. During this practice I realized that I should be grateful for what I can do and that I can do more than I thought before I started. It felt really good to move my body without pain again.

  6. @yoga with Adriene Can I make a request for a practice that helps with having a torn labrum in the glenohumeral joint? I can't put any pressure on the shoulder joint area…such as downward dog. I've lost my practice because most of it involved arm things. I'm having the surgery in May of 2020 but all exercise and yoga has stopped for me, it's painful. Thank you for all of your videos., ALWAYS! Love and Light –

  7. I’ve been highly athletic and active my entire life and NEVER thought I’d be a person living with chronic knee pain😫2 years ago I was walk/running 4 miles on a treadmill 4-5 times a week in the gym which included strength training. I was blessed that during that time I found your yoga videos Adriene because after a fall and blowing out my knee your videos are the only workout that doesn’t add to the pain. After seeing an orthopedic surgeon and finding out that he was not willing to do anything about the cartilage injury due to osteoporosis in the knee I asked what I could do to stay in shape. He suggested stationery biking which does nothing but make my knee swell😫I don’t like taking any medicine so yoga breathing has help me to breathe through the most painful times and helped to regain some of my lifestyle. Thank you so much for understanding chronic pain suffering and posting this video. Even though I can’t always do the exact same yoga poses with you on that one knee please know that I’m working out with you. 🧘‍♀️You have literally saved my life by actually having to remember to listen to my body. Thank you.

  8. wonderful . thank you for your calm sweet voice. for your expertise. for NOT having weird music playing . working along with your videos daily has made all the difference – mind and body!

  9. so i finally brought myself to have the courage to make this comment…

    i've been on this yoga journey for years now, using it to help with my mental health alongside my physical health. this was always my weapon against the constant aches and pains, little to no energy, and the overall weakness i felt in every aspect of myself. of course i've grown from before i began this journey to now, but i never really knew why i was so drained and exhausted all the time. i practically came out of the womb like this. until this past june i finally went to a professional and asked about it, and turns out i have chronic pain syndrome, and now everything makes sense.

    to all those in pain, in ANY type of pain, we're stronger than we could ever know. the fact that we're getting up and doing this flow for ourselves in of itself is an act of strength and healing and growth. we're all making it better, little by little.

    the clarity this brought to myself, along with thousands of others, is unlike anything on this earth. i cried when i saw the thumbnail. the unity that your channel brings is unrivaled, Adriene.

    thank you and namaste ❤️

  10. loved it. I run and do physical labor every day so my body is always hurting. This was perfect after a morning exercise routine before I start the day!

  11. Great practice today – thank you! I love how your videography has evolved over the years and the split screen showing chair modification is so so valuable. Namaste from So Cal 🧘🏽‍♀️🕉

  12. Thank you very much for all the wonderful videos you put out Adriene (and Benji of course) <3 You have helped me at so many different stages of health and helped me work through so many emotions already. xx

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