1. Okay, had to haul my arse to this one and really stick with it as I was traumatised from the first time 😂 But, surprise! This video was not as hard as before and took a break at 20 minutes when Adriene was taking a break! 🎉 (it was much earlier before).

    Didn’t do some vinyasas and opted to stay in plank.

    Yoga is the only exercise I can do and more importantly, want to be good at – I want to do crow and peacock some day.

    Thank you so much Adriene for putting these online for free ♥️

  2. In my 'yogic squat' I'm either A) shoulders back, heart open, heels way off the floor, or B) heels on the floor, curved round, almost on my bottom! Am I better starting in A) and lowering the heels over time? Or stay in B) with heels down and learn to open up over time? x

  3. Loved, loved, loved today's practice 🙂 I started my yoga journey about 3 months ago and have been following the July calendar and I noticed today that I am much stronger than before! Thanks, Adriene, for the blessing of these free videos.

  4. Yup had to drag my butt to the mat today but this practice did not disappoint it was both energetic and gentle at the same time , loved it , i did get a little frustrated coming to the end of the practice but those little breaks helped to keep it together so thank u for a wonderful, strengthening practice, not just physically but mentally too, love yuh and Namaste Everyone 💕💞💓💗💖❤💪💪🙏

  5. This was beautiful, it was lovely, I'm also doing the Yoga for All videos, so this Love Yoga flow went really well after the befriend practice, sending you lots of love ♥️ Thank you for everything 🙏

  6. After a year of practice and following yoga with adriene, im so proud of myself that I can now do headstand on my own. I feel so strong and fearless doing it. Namaste🙏

  7. I actually got up early before work to do this practice this morning. I’m not a morning person but I’ve been up for 2 1/2 hours already and haven’t even touched my coffee yet. Thank Adriene for helping me find what feels good in a healthy and balanced way.

  8. The gentle and slower transitions worked totally for me. Almost no sweat and I feel so much stronger and full of peace. Day 8 in the pocket! Yayyyyy!

  9. not gonna lie, had to pause the video and grab a muesli bar to keep my energy levels up because I was struggling at the 20-minute mark. But I returned to the video as soon as I devoured the lovely chocolate bar and boy am I glad I did. feels so good first thing in the morning 🙂

  10. This practice for Day 9 of POWER is just over my half hour but so glad I did. Proud senior yogi kept up this time. I Ujjayied my way all through and I enjoyed it more. I felt the heat building and there were some lovely transitions kind and slow, increasing strength, SO good for me. Adriene it’s such a Feel Good factor, I love it. You are giving me my mojo back after a tough couple of weeks, sending love 🧘🏼‍♀️🧘🏻‍♀️🙏💞

  11. Day 8 sorted! Did this after some weight bench reps… totally helped to balance my flow and calm the muscles. It seems to have got about 20 degrees hotter in my apartment though!!

  12. Recovering from two compressed nerves and am scheduled for an epidural injection. Obviously, Power is not a priority at the moment so I'm sticking to gentler routines.

  13. I absolutely loved the flow and feeling of this practice! This month's calendar (July 2019 – POWER) has been tough for me as a relative newbie, but these 40 minutes made me feel strong and capable. Today's my 99th day of yoga in a row, all thanks to YWA. Can't wait to celebrate my 100th tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Day 8 – July, 2019 done! Wow today’s practice got me all sweaty, I have no regrets though haha! I almost gave up during yogic squat but I pushed through and I do feel more flexible and strong as I practice everyday. Thank you Adriene! ♥️ Lots of love in and lots of love out !

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