1. I have a question you said that my legs should be burning but mine aren't, I don't know if I am doing the exercises wrong or if is because before starting to do this I was already doing some heavy exercises for my legs so know my legs doesn't feel the burn. With the other workout my legs ended up shaking but with this I don't feel the burn.

  2. So guys I just wanted to let you know something that I realised after 2 years of trying to lose weight. You shouldn't get anxious or feel bad while exercise. The whole experience would be better if you enjoe it. Just try to have fun and dont have high expectations about the results. Take it easy and slow.💕

  3. everytime i dance and look at myself in the mirror, i hate how my legs look. they are meaty and makes the rest of my body look out of shape. i’m skinny on the top but for some reason whatever i eat goes down to my thighs and calves. that way my body don’t look lean and tall. but instead of complaining and criticizing my legs every time i look at myself in the mirror, i will work for that long, lean legs that i dream of. i’m also doing cloe’s abs workout and i feel really good. now i will try this lean legs workout. wish me luck! 👍🏻

  4. Thighs exercices
    -side kiks
    -side Leg raise
    -side lunge
    -side Leg raise (left)
    – side Leg (right)
    -inner Leg circle (left)
    – check Marck (right)
    -heel press + lift (left)
    -up and over (right)
    -outer leg circles (right)
    -inner leg circle (right)
    -check mark (left)
    -heel press and lift (right).
    -up and over (left)
    – outer Leg circles (left)
    -frog press
    -kneeling Leg lift and kick (left)
    – kneeling Leg lift and kick (right )

  5. Just starting this today. My leg started giving up about halfway through. Then doing the ab workout.
    My oh my. The me right now will not be able to walk tomorrow. 😂
    Great workout Chloe! ❤️
    Day 1: completed
    Day 2: I had to rest
    Day 3: Did day 2, completed
    I have to put this workout on hold.

  6. I will start this and keep you all updated
    (no really! 30 days everyday) and I will have my results at the end.
    Day 1: 🍓 I felt the burn on the outer circles and had to pause for a few seconds but overall I could complete the whole workout.
    Day 2: 🍓

  7. Lolzzz I'm totally like doing ALL her workout routines now!?! 😜
    Day 1:(Tuesday)✔️
    Day 2: ✔️
    Day 3: ✔️
    Day 4:✔️
    Day 5:❌(sad that I missed a day😭)
    Day 6:✔️
    Day 7: ✔️(yay back on Track dnt plan on missing anymore days)
    Day : 8 ❌
    Day 9: ✔️

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