1. Sean, really enjoy this video and the 10 minute Muay Thai shadowboxing video. Both are extremely helpful as I don’t belong to a Muay Thai gym and work on my own most of the time. Your tips on technique in both videos are great! Thanks! I tried using the “youtube” code to purchase the heavy bag training program but didn’t see it reflected in the total cost. Is the $147 price reflective of the you tube discount? Thanks again.

  2. Can anyone identify those gloves for me. I had a pair of Triumphs like them and wan't a fan of how stiff they were because they weren't genuine leather but want to try another new style thai glove. Anyone with with a brand name or link would be greatly appreciated.

  3. Thanks for this drill, I am enjoying it! What isn't fully clear for me though.. Is it 1 min work, 3 rounds and then 30 sec rest? If I put that in my hiit timer I'll get 13min. Which is fine as well and what I'll probably do :))

  4. Dear sir; in one of your videos , we see you training with Saenchai. He points out a specific advise concerning the return (bringing back) of the leg after the kicks, more specifically the round house. Could you elaborate on it ? Thank you very much for the quality of your videos and the courage you have to share them.

  5. 0.26 punching technique is wrong. you should always punch slightly upwards to engage good shoulder rotation, and also to prep for fighting a taller opponent. you look to be a short guy, are you prepping to fight midgets? lol 4.23 Also, when you knee you shouldn't let your foot flare out, do you have a back ground in ballet or something? lol

  6. Great video Sean, I'm still watching it but wanted to say your videos inspire me to get better & better 'cause that's what mma is all about . Shout outs to errrbody watching worldwide

  7. Sean thank you for sharing this. I go to an mma gym that has both Muay Thai and Jiu-Jitsu. And the classes clash together. My job as a police officer I focus more on the Jiu-Jitsu but it’s always good to learn some sort of stand up defense and striking. Thanks again and continued success

  8. My grandma told me i couldnt have the last piece of cake that jab cross round house combination domed her thanks for the pro strats grandmas got a mean left hook had to put her away before she could counter.

  9. Thanks for your videos, I just have a question … Heard so many theories and watched many videos about how to make the shin hard, what's the best way? Does it really make cracks in the bone afterwards?…. Thank you

  10. Thank you kind sir for the excellent vid! I started with doing the combinations in the air in my apartment. Can't wait to blast the combos on the bag at the gym which will hopefully be muscle memory by the time I'm there 🙂

  11. Thank you making this, I’ve let myself go a little and trying to get my fitness up again just at home this is really helpful much appreciated 👍🏻

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