1. I'm currently on a bulk and eating around 4500 calories a day; hitting my macros etc. Ha I'm getting some pretty decent love handles in the process 🤔🙄

    Keep up the good work Bully 💪

  2. I appreciate the videos and all of your motivation. I was wondering if when you do the "at home, no equipment routines" could you list the exercises in the description so they will be easier to follow if were not able to watch the video at the time of our workout?

  3. Hey new subbie. Female here. I love your videos and especially your diet videos on here as well. They are very simple and straight to the point. I was wondering if u could give me some advice. I'm 4'11 and weigh 144lbs. Trying to get it to at 130 is my first main goal because I dont like being or feeling this way at all. I love going to the gym ..i love calisthenics..weights. I like being on the elliptical and bike. I do not like the tread . its boring but at the same time. I don't stay on it long because i wanna start my other workouts. I also have a bit of issue with (TMJ) clenching my jaw sometimes during day. Getting nervous or frustrated or whatever during concentration and I dont think its good with my breathing either during cardio. Boxing jump rope and HIIT no problem. I love it. My diet tbh sucks. It is not consistent. I want that body back I always had. As far as the cardio and clenching breathing. Do u have any tips or thoughts on that since I did track?

  4. That's one area that I cant rid of "My stupid love handles" I been working out and losing weight since early this year and I'm seeing a lot of improvements elsewhere but not to much my stupid mid-section..

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