1. Awesome workout! I’m going to try it and see how many weeks it’ll take me to complete it all at once. Right now I couldn’t even go the whole 20 minutes lol.

  2. Welp I was able to get to 19:46, I’ll do the rest of the workout in 20 minute increments since that seems to be as long as I can go, imma try it again tom and see if I can go farther without having to take a break. Right now I weigh 153 lbs, I hope to get to 120 lbs, I’ll update y’all every time I do this workout, hopefully all goes well.

  3. I’m 30 minutes in and my Fitbit says I’ve burned 230 which means I’m gonna burned if I’m luck 500 for the whole workout. Does anyone else not burn as much as it says for workouts? I know fitbits aren’t exact but damn

  4. I tried to do this workout
    honestly I don't do any sports😅 Soo I noticed it now I swet since exercise 1 and I had to stop after 11 min
    I wanna do this workout every day and I wanna tell ya how does it work
    [Day 1]
    It was really really hard but I'll try this in a hour again
    Edit: Ouf okay I tried it again but I failed my legs are hurting tomorrow I'll do this again (but longer)

  5. Tried this tonight and got to 41 min. I ran 2 miles afterwards. However, I didn't struggle as much as the instructor lol. I was high kicking when she was resting. I'm going to commit to doing this at least 3x a week, if not more. Thanks for sharing!!

  6. A good workout but I only burned 360 calories according to my Fitbit. I’m a beginner and I did my best to keep up with her and completed the entire workout on the first try. I’ll do it again next week👌

  7. You are my favorite workout youtibe that tgere is there on youtibe. Did each one of your videos at least once. This one is insaine. Just got barely through. Man feels like 1000kcal is gone.. My gosh this was intense!!!! 😍
    Keep up u da best

  8. It’s actually not healthy to do HIIT for more than 15-20 minutes. You are pushing your body to the max during HIIT, and risk putting yourself at injury going overboard. In fact, if you’re working out for more than 20 minutes, then you’re not actually do HIIT… if you’re pushing yourself to the max, you won’t have any energy to go longer than 15-20 minutes.

  9. i've been doing hiit for years and never seen an instructor go at such a slow pace. i like using high knees for the rest. easy enough for people new to hiit or exercise, if you are more athletic, you will need to make this harder. and u hafta do your own warm up

  10. Hi ! I'm a sedentary person who weighs 54 kg and, well, I decided to give this a try 2 days ago. I lasted 12 min and today, for my second try, I lasted 18 min while doing much more correctly those exercises. It motivates me to leave out my strict diet, which probably is a result of my laziness.
    Thanks for this. ^^

  11. Literally just did my calories and it turns out I went over my calorie intake by 1434… Don't have takeaways… They aren't worth it… But now working out how to burn it tomorrow to balance it out xx

  12. would I still burn 1000 calories if I did this workout in 2 hours lmao. can someone pls answer and let me know.. I did not eat or drink anything in those 2 hours but just took short breaks to answer calls and stuff..

  13. Today I had an ice cream and i was feeling guilty because I was on a ' no sugar for a month plan' and so i decided to punish my self. And started this workout. For the first 15 minutes I felt like i am killing my muscles and should really stop but, I pushed myself till the end and now i am feeling great.
    It was the most intense workout and was amazing. Thank you for this ❤❤

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