1. Hi SarahBeth. Thank you for your yoga videos with good instructions and thank you for your help. They help me a lot to deal with everyday stress and life in general. I have tried several yoga instructors, so far I am sticking to your videos because they are great and you are a wonderful yoga instructor. I have one concern: the music. I think this particular style of music you use for the videos is a little bit inappropriate for yoga (at least for me) because it makes me nervous. The music is too aggressive and it is difficult to relax and meditate with disturbing music. The music should be complementary to your yoga video, smoothing and relaxing sounds.

  2. So wonderful. I love this channel. It has impacted my life beyond words. I would like a class to dissolve toxic energy in workplace. I love my job, but not everyone around me does . It is exhausting trying to keep the possitive vibes going. Thanks

  3. That felt pretty good i can feel the starch in my lags today that tells me I'm straching out my hamstrings thank you for the great instructions it made it so much easyer so I didn't have to keep looking at my phone

  4. Did you know??… the Hebrew word for God (Yahweh) is called that because you can say it in a single inhale-exhale without even closing your mouth? Our every breath is meant to connect us to God. Peace and blessings 🙂

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