1. Can I just say how right this dude is? Before I started doing as much training as I do now, I was champ 1-2. I thought my mechanics were good but as soon as I tried this packs I was awful. I decided to just grind them completely for hours and after a few weeks, I saw MASSIVE IMPROVEMENT. Now, im grand champ in 2s and 3s for 2 seasons. I’d also like to say that ‘Ground shots’ training pack in the Browse Section of Custom Training is very good. But the best training I saw was when I went into training, put on some music, got some food, then just sat and hit the ball around as fast as possible and as weird as possible. I also practised a few things I wanted to improve, like air dribbles, but I focused on speed and consistency and noticed improvement in both of these. But anyway, great video Thanovic, very helpful and informative 🙂

  2. My 50 shot underpass dribbling training pack, code: BD67-0337-7BAF-49FB
    it helps every rank and contains everything all around dribbles and flicks. At first you have time to understand your position then score as effective and fast as possible and then you are challenge to not let the ball fall to the ground and control it to the goal

  3. I've always thought a great all-around warm up pack is [Mr Jokerer Warm Up Shots/Clears 21F1-B6A9-2525-C0C8] – it covers a variety of regular gameplay scenarios and is a good comprehensive single training session for players on the go with more limited time to warm up before matches.

    also Air Roll Shots 84D2-072D-80CF-7D0D is a great 20 shot pack for getting used to twisting your car around the ball to create new angles for shots and get more power

  4. Ay bro I need to ask u a question, i see all the pros have the alpha boost and most other freestylers and streamers have it,so I wanna know how you got it so I can get an idea. Thx btw u got me to diamond from gold

  5. Hey Thanovic I’ve been a fan for a long time and I’m still kinda new to the game I’m a plat 3 and my air control is bad and my aerial ability is very limited and inconsistent is there any tips u could give me to help better my gameplay and make myself more consistent and able?

  6. In just a few hours I was able to go from not hitting a simple Ariel shot, to scoring my very first double touch. Thank you for suggesting these training packs to us, they are very useful. A tip for diamonds and below like myself, you are not gonna be able to do the type of stuff he does in the video so try to take it slow give your self an hour to actually get the setups down instead of 10 mins, then try to go for that second touch. Trust me it'll help

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