1. OMG this is the workout that I have been wishing for, for so long! Thank you so much! I pretty much gave up on strength training because every workout requires bending forward from the hips and that is just something that I plain cannot do since the start of my back problems.

  2. I've added this to my watch later list. I watched it just now, but didn't do it because I'm recovering from a stomach virus from a couple of days ago that really kicked me out of commission! Ugh! This workout looks good, though, and I want to do it ASAP–maybe tomorrow. My lower back got really painful during my illness (probably from all that lying around!). It's feeling better (normal) now, but I want to start taking better care of it. Thanks for this workout, Jessica!

  3. I didn’t know I needed this until this last week my back has been killing me – herniated disc – and haven’t been able to work out. Can’t wait to try this

  4. I suffered from chronic low back pain. My doctor advised moving more, improving my posture & strength & stretching. Following your workouts, I have eliminated my back pain, improved my posture & my strength. (And it's fun!) Thanks, Jessica!

  5. Today is a strength day, but I'm not feeling it.
    This is perfect, still a little something, but not too much.
    Always good to see you give us something new.
    Hope all is well with you and yours.

  6. Best instructor on YouTube, I don’t know what i will do without you , its been 4yrs now I reduced 10 kgs with only your workouts, i do tried some other videos but always come back to you.
    Keep up the good work and god bless you 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

  7. omg Jessica im so glad you uploaded your videos are a life saver and very affective ! I have done so well in my journey because of you. thank you so much for your videos and thank you for helping me! you have no clue how helpful you are . Also Can you do some more hiit cardio fat burning video for lower level intermediate type people . thanks again 💜

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