1. Hello fitness fans. Please can you share with me how you program these workouts. I am a mother of 2 and have been working out consistently for 18months now with good results in shedding the baby weight (with diet of course). Currently, I do whatever workout I find here. I feel like the lack structure to my workouts is markedly hindering my progress in making strength gains and building the body I want.

  2. Hello Kanchana and Julia!
    Long weekend and its Saturday!  Slept in and had lots of energy! This was my 8am workout!
    First, Julia, you talked about multitasking in the beginning! How do you do it so well? Thank you for your inspiration!
    This workout… oh my goodness!  Love this format so much! BRUTAL!
    But starting with Lateral lunge to pistol ! … I couldn't do even 1/2 way well!  😅
    Full body workout but so upper body brutal! Those Challenge moves… KILLER!
    The last tabata pair was a relief from upper body but legs burned so much!
    SO TIRED at the end!
    Thank you so much Kanchana and Julia for this brutal workout!You are both so amazing!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. So good, Julia!! Feels like an older Julia workout , woo boo!! Went by super fast and I burned 510 calories, which is really good for less than an hour. More of this format, please 😍🙏🏻 ps. This is Jaime, I had to change my name and image because of stupid trolls lol. Love ya mama

  4. Thank you so much for sharing workouts even when I know you must be busy!! I woke up w my kid's cold so I had to make a few changes here and there, but I finished it!!

  5. Two weeks with no uploads from you is torture! Needless to say, I was so excited when you popped up in my notifications. Can't wait to do this one tomorrow. Thank you, Julia and Kanchana. 😊

  6. Well written, Kanchana! This is your second workout I did this week, and I enjoyed them both. Lots of fun and sweat and very high HR. The Most challenging move was (of course) the 10 Manmakers. Thank you Julia for recording, you are a beast. I needed exactly an hour and burnt 500 calories.

  7. Good morning Julia!!I am so excited 😍.Thank you so much doing the workout.Will do this one again with you tomorrow morning.Have a wonderful weekend dear ❤️❤️

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