1. Mostly nonsense. Keto (which I only need to practice cyclically now) completely changed my health and my life. I'll be sticking to my current routine, and information, help, and advice from the brilliant Dr Berg.

  2. The video is wrong
    1. Keto reduces inflammation massively
    2. It is not a state of emergency, it's just a different state
    3. Beta-Carotin is in 🥕 and it's keto
    4. Lots of other vegetables deliver important anti oxidants

  3. Exactly! Finally some common sense. I agree that we consume too much carbs in general and many consume the worst processed kind of carbs in their daily diet but full keto seems like an overkill to me. A well balanced seasonal diet with intermittent fasting IMO hits a sweet spot. And if you throw in some physical activity you're going for gold.

  4. Bullshit talk! Total rubbish coming from Jillian Michaels, who so unqualified to discuss this topic from the look of it.
    Empty, no substance and no scientific evidence that keto is detrimental!
    This is the most uninformed and unqualified talk on dieting I've ever heard!

  5. All the debate over which diet is best is pointless. It's a simple, intrinsic truth of our ecosystem that healthy soil grows healthy plants, which can be eaten to make healthy animals, which can be eaten to make healthy animals higher on the food chain. If every part of the foundation is healthy, the whole structure will be healthy, period. No science, studies, theories, assumptions, beliefs, or dogma required.

  6. Don't listen to those whom are paid to trash talk the greatest eating habits on earth. My biggest take is no heart burn ever since day one. 65 pounds weight loss in 5 months and no more need for energy juices. I eat real foods. I feel the greatest I ever felt. Steady energy all day. Keto enriched my life. No sugar is a blessing. Even your brain thinks better.

  7. I have so many friends that have tried to peddle Keto products and lifestyle to me because like Avon they have financial incentives to. Very little confirmed research lots of claims relying on people’s gullibility. I’m glad you made this video so others can learn that as well.

  8. She says right at the start don't listen to the studies they are only a small piece… Then expects you to listen to her instead…. One person. Contradicting much

  9. so, she complains about keto citing one study, while she herself isn't citing any studies? got it! also, what is a relevance of mentioning there's no calorie limit on keto? have you tried overeating on meat and animal fat? it's not something that would naturally occur. I guess you could, if you forced your self, but after one meal, you're gonna be satiated for way too long to even consider another meal. again, unless you force your self to eat again just to prove the point. also, I've never heard of this notion you can't eat fruits and vegetables. it's more anti grain oriented.

  10. This coming from a Biggest Loser coach who put her contestants in harms way with extreme weight loss methods. Nah, I'll keep my Keto Carnivore. And you keep your stupid lies. Do you even have a clue?

  11. If i've understood this correctly, i think keto is a prescription. It works but you can be healthy even without it. A healthy life comes from a healthy body and mind. For that you need a diet with all the macro-nutrients… that which is sustainable. Humans are designed to eat anything. Vegetables, grains, dairy, meat. Along with that you must do the following. No sugar, no junk food, no alcohol, no smoking, no caffeine, at least 1.5 liters of water a day, only 2-3 meals with 4-5 hours gap in between, an hour of exercise, practice a hobby, do some meditation, be compassionate, good sex with a loving partner, critical thinking but be positive, wise with your money, have some goal in life. What all these small things achieve is happiness from the inside. It all boils down to one thing… discipline. If you cannot abstain from everything then remember moderation is key.

  12. A few things are not clear.

    – She talks about how keto comes with oxidative stress whereas beta-hydroxibutirate is known to have strong anti-oxidant properties. Then she goes on about how you need fruits because of anti-oxidants. 🤷‍♂️

    – She says “there’s no consideration with timing with regards to food so your autophagy process is out of whack”.
    Really? Keto has nothing to do with timing, keto has to do with nutrient intake. It is true though that there is overlap between people who do keto and intermittent fasting as they seem to work well together. I’m not sure if she is talking about this here but if she is then my question is: what the hell, lady? Practice of intermittent fasting is by definition “consideration for timing with regards to food” specifically to regulate your autophagy process in a way that is studied and shown to be beneficial. If that’s not what she means – sorry, my bad.

    I’ll go, eat a steak now and try to have a stroke.

  13. I feel like she says these big words without actually knowing their relation to the keto diet. Her justification of ‘ive done this a long time’ being her ultimate argument. A well done, well thought out keto diet has everything.

  14. She made some decent points but keto is just like going vegan or vegetarian etc. You can be vegan and still eat nothing but junk food, but your vegan 😉 to stay truly healthy doing keto for more than a short period to lose weight, you have to do it right. Time what you eat and yes people pay attention to calories. That’s how you don’t get fat instead.

  15. You can literally see how this woman feels offended bc people are on this diet lol. It‘s funny how the people who judge the keto diet are always the ones who haven’t tried it long enough. I did it for 100 days and I could focus very well in school, it stopped my sugar addiction, I lost weight and had a MUCH healthier sleep cycle than before.

  16. I don’t think she’s incorrect. I think everything she’s saying is correct. However, I’ve heard a lot of great keto success stories. I think both work; as long as you just do it

  17. Very misleading. She doesn't even mention the loads of leafy green vegetables and nuts berry's and fish you eat. So what I cut out Bread. Sugar. Pasta. Rice. Starchy Veg. I look what hidden carbs are in food. 10 months later 20 kg lighter. No gout. No arthritis. Skin never looked better. Urinary problems gone. Not hungry. It's simple if ya fat, going to the gym every day is a struggle with all the problems above but once the weights gone with the problems, exercise feels great. Ps your willy looks bigger to.

  18. small benefits??? i have diabetes, i decreased my insulin intake 90 percent without working out, ! i can go days w/o insulin with light workout a day with keto…

  19. I don't understand all these stupid diets out there claiming bullshit and misleading people. The one and only right diet is the balanced diet containing whole fresh foods of all types! Anything to the contrary that limits your diet to the selected type of foods is just not the way to go.

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