1. thanks for the awesome videos. have totally helped changed the way i look, feel, and live. couldn't do a proper push up two months ago and now i can crank em out like a machine.

  2. Great video I’m going to combine this with your six pack routine video and mark the ultimate ab workout and perform it every day I’ll let yu guys know the results in 4 weeks

  3. hi ,i cant do your exercise because im too fat -im too big – can i do the reverse crunch one leg at a time ?
    when i do the both legs my body cant seem to hold them off the ground for long together.
    but when i do the exercise one leg at a time ,i seem to do better- does it make a difference or am i wasting my time?

  4. Sorry for an irrelevant comment but where are your no equipment leg workout?? I can’t find it and I’m kind of panicking because it’s the video I really love for my legs..

  5. Hi guys! I just want to ask if doing H.I.I.T every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday then Chest+Abs on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday is good for losing body fats at the same time gaining muscle mass?

  6. Hey, great videos. And great advice. I've been healing herniated disc's in my lower back, mainly s1-L5. I did this in Nov 2018. Turns out I have degenerative disc disease pretty bad throughout my spine. I've managed to loose 50lbs since Jan. LBS235-185lbs And started to hit the gym every day. I'm now in ok shape but want to keep pushing. I can't stack my spine with weight though, so I'm very limited as to what I can do. I've picked up some great exercises from you I'm going to try to incorporate. But if you could do a video for folks with back injuries etc, and how to train without hurting yourself. Maybe change some of the lifting angles ect. I feel like I do the same thing all the time.
    my biggest issues have been pulling muscles since I haven't used my lower back in months. So I've learned to go lighter in weight. I do go to PT once a week but I feel like if my whole body is strong, I'll be better off. I always feel great when I come out of the gym and moving for me is key to being pain free. also, any good warm up routines would be a help too. Thanks for your consideration and keep up the good work. Scott

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