1. Just found Amy, and did this as my first workout. OMG I’m sweating up a storm with only a 5# bell. Also, first proper instruction that I have found for half get ups, and I could actually do them👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻Me. Thanks Amy I will definitely be back.

  2. Amy!! As always!!! Love it!!! Can we please have something for the bat wings- triceps and lats please? problematic areas for me!

  3. You are amazing! Thank you so much! I do your kettlebell work outs and I feel great! You are the best with kettlebell work out in YouTube! I have lots of health issues including a heart condition and I can get through them! Thank you for the new videos!

  4. Thank you so much Amy for your kettlebell videos. You're the best instructor on youtube and I have been training myself to do all these workout 4 times per week and definitely feeling more strong now

  5. This workout will sneak up on you the next day! I did this yesterday with a 7lb kettlebell thinking that it was kind of light, but it was all I had. I didn't really feel a whole lot during and after the workout. But today….. today I woke up and my obliques, upper and lower back, glutes and hamstrings are all sore! It's a happy sore, though 🙂

  6. Happy New Year, Amy!!  Thank You for a fabulous & fit 2017…Cheers to more of the same in 2018!!  Just did this K-Bell workout and I'm-a-pooped!!  WOWIE!  This was just what I needed 🙂 🙂  XO-S

  7. Happy New Year Amy!! Absolutely love this workout, I have done all your kettlebell workouts many times over and really love all of them. Would really love if you could do a legs and glutes kettlebell workout again!! Much love from Singapore 💕💕

  8. Just bought me a kettlebell and so glad I found your videos. I'm ready for a new year and a new me! Thanks Amy! Happy New Year!

  9. I was excited to see a new kettlebell workout posted. Great way to start the new year! Looking for to seeing more kettlebell workouts from BodyFit by Amy in 2018.

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