1. It doesn't seem savage in the beginning, but later…omg… My crises started at 24:00 when freestyle came along, because of split squats + combos, so I needed a pause there to breathe…but I managed to finish, despite my soul was leaving the body.

  2. Man, I ran before doing this working because i want be able tp work out tomorrow because i get my.kids every Tuesday. Trying to do 2 a daays like when i was in highschool. lol.. My first time doing this workout its by far my favorite. I tapped out at 21:04. SH!!!

  3. im a woman and i've been doing various videos of your boxing workouts for 5 days straight already. They're all so tiring but ridiculously fun! on the first three days whenever i feel exhausted i'll stop but after that hearing your voice saying never stop or dont slow down just fuels my energy to actually continue and finish them. thanks to you nate!

  4. You know what I like about your sessions: You expect that we have warmed up and then get straight into it. Before a session I set my phone ready on your session before I get to the gym. Earphones and wraps also ready
    Do a small gym workout and then straight to the bag and 30mins has just flown past. Out of they gym in 60 mins.
    My time is precious and I make it count!!!. Thanks keep the vids coming💣💣

  5. Thanks a lot brother for your videos these drills are awesome to practice them at my boxing gym 49 years old just trying to keep up with you youngsters 🙂 from Ocala Florida peace 🙂

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