1. Thanks for this great workout! I am 9+2 weeks pregnant and have been looking for great workouts. Your three prenatal workouts from years ago are great too! Are you planning on making more prenatal workouts or maybe a playlist of your workouts that are safe to do during pregnancy? I have been doing your knee strengthening workout for a long time now (once a week) and would like to continue, but I am not sure whether I should do, for example, the bridge-exercise (with the ball rolling with your foot).

    Also, who is in the room with you? I heard someone cough 😉

  2. Love this. I’m not prenatal but still so good. I love your tone when guiding. Very relaxed and not rushed. It makes it so easy to get through the workout but feels like a great challenge in the end. I really look forward to exercising with you.

  3. I have been working out for over 40 years and I have tried every form of aerobic exercise. I get easily board. I have been doing most if not all of the workouts from Jessica Smith and let me tell you I feel great. I never get board and she makes the workouts fun and works body parts that you didn't know you could workout. She has easy to follow instructions is super motivational and provides such a great variety of workouts. You will feel great and notice positive changes in your body.. and have more energy. I love that her dog makes an appearance in some of the videos.. I am a dog lover and my dogs sit around in the room while I work out also.

  4. Hay J. I really like this workout it was easy for me too do. And i'm happy it's apart of your spring ahead challenge. I also love that it's for everyone to do not just for expecting mothers. Great idea I feel great after being sick for over a week. And one last thing this workout is great if you're on your monthly cycle. (As I am)

    Anyway I hope to see u later for a stretch. Bye Jessica. 😀👋😊👍

  5. Kicking myself for waiting so long to do this one, because I didn't realize just how "prenatal targeted" it was. Loved this one!!! 🙂 I really enjoy 1. Single sided strength moves because they're sneaky (and safe) for the core during pregnancy, but I loved how the movements were SLOOOOOW and deliberate with moderately heavy weights (I used 8#s). Looking forward to revisiting this one regularly and have added it to my prenatal playlist. THANK YOU! #20weekspregnant #goingstrong

  6. This looks like the perfect strength training to get started again !! Nice and gentle but effective I am going to give this a try to build up my fitness as I have not done any fitness for a long time and this looks perfect. xx Thanks Jessica

  7. Jessica, I enjoyed this workout. Although it has been 33 yrs since being pregnant, it was a gently challenge. I used 8 pounds. this was awesome. Thank you.

  8. After being bedridden for 3 days with a massive migraine, a bad bout with fibromyalgia (neck, shoulder and back) and arthritis and a bad stomach flu, I decided to try this with my 5-lb weights. I felt so guilty as I had not missed a workout with Jessicasmithtv for 20 days, but I am back. I followed with this hotel room cardio:

  9. I'm more pre-menopause than pre-natal, but still an awesome, gentle yet powerful strength workout. Thanks heaps, feeling lusciously worked. Exactly what I needed today xXx

  10. I'm not pregnant, but had 2 kids and always toning tummy. 😉 I'm from Kentucky, 6 times a granny, and 63 years old. I added weights to most of the workout–great exercise–thanks so much!! Love your workouts "cousin Smith"–ha.

  11. Hello Jessica! My name is Natrina and I am sending you a big thank you from Japan for all of your workout videos! Your workout videos have truly helped me and my mother over the past couple of years and we are so thankful! And we love watching little Peanut cheering us on in the back!! I mainly do my workouts in the morning but recently I like to do a little at night too! I was wondering if I could make a request and ask you to do an evening/night workout:) Thank you!!

  12. I am not pregnant and I'm an experienced exerciser, but I was just SO happy to see a new Jessica and Peanut workout! I increased the weight and the range of motion and had a great sculpt session after a little spin.

  13. Hi, Jessica! I'm not pregnant, but I am gently returning to strength work after dealing with health issues (I could do cardio no problem, but strength would wipe me out for days). When I saw this was prenatal approved, I thought, great! It should do the trick. This was perfect for me for where my body is right now. I felt pleasantly worked. Hopefully soon I'll be back to all the wonderful Jessica Smith strength workouts that I love so much!

  14. Although I'm not prenatal, I decided to try this after seeing it on Facebook. Following the onscreen suggestions, I upped the weights, deciding that 10 lbs would be reasonable for my current condition. Wow! I hope noone mistakes "prenatal" for "easy," because it was not easy! What a challenge! I ended up moving to 8# weights for the very last set of reps before the stretching phase. I can definitely tell that my right side is stronger than my left side. I was proud of myself for using both weights for the overhead tricep extensions. Originally, I had put down one of the weights, but I quickly picked up the second one after just one rep. Thanks for such a fabulous workout!

  15. I'm wondering if this would work for cancer patients undergoing chemo? I will ask my doctor. If anyone has any suggestions, I would appreciate it. Thanks.

  16. These exercises are also great for those of us with immune disorders like Fibromyalgia and Arthritis. I have arthritis and can't do quick moves like I used to. Thanks Jessica and Peanut 🙂

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