1. Your body is legit goals! 💕💕 In love with all these exercises. I am a fan of your channel and your exercises. I will definitely keep progress and update on my weight loss journey with your kickboxing workout videos.
    UPDATE:- I weighted 95Kgs on the month of April, 11th. I started doing your workouts since then. I do mixups of all your kickboxing workout and I keep shuffling between them. I weighted myself today and I am 85Kgs now. So, I lost 10 kgs is a month. I can't explain how happy I am. 😇😇 The rate of losing weight might differ from person to person. I had too much fat to begin with. Maybe that's why I lost weight sooner. I would also like to add the fact that I totally cut off junk food from my diet. Ate only homemade food. These workouts are amazing.😇😇 Thank you for these videos. Your channel deserves so much recognization. Lots of love from India. 💕💕

  2. When doing boxing movements you must use entire body hips,legs to drive the punch harder and not do arm punches.
    Why would I say this because a woman can learn to defend herself if a desperate situation arises by punching a man in neck or groin would disable him.
    Also this lady that demonstrates exercises is wonderful to see her fitness level.

  3. Hii .thank you for your reply , i am women nd i do your all workout at home.your workout is very affective .when ihave start your workout then my wet was 70 kg now it is 66 kg.In your all workout my breast will be also increase?plz reply

  4. I'm not a fan of floor work due to a herniated disc but I'm going to give this one a try. Question, have you ever considered doing a seated cardio workout? Thanks for your great variety of workouts!

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