1. One of the best workouts I’ve done so far. Not boring and repetitive like others. Sure I almost passed out halfway through but I finished the workout lol I’m dripping sweat but I feel amazing ☺️💕

  2. Hey Chloe!!!! Here's Renuka from India…..I am 17 now…..I really need this exercises to get that fit body…..Your videos helped me a lot…..I am doing it all great and never wanna give up on me……. Thanks to you….Love uhh!!!🥰

  3. The longest 45 minutes of my life but I did it! I don't even know how many times I have to do it in the next weeks but let's not talk about it. The thing I love abut it is that I have a lot of weight to lose and had difficulties with food ma I'm on week two and I see a little 11 line next to my belly fat eheh

  4. My knee has been a butthole recently and hurts whenever I have to rely on it basically so I had to skip out on some of the full body workouts and most of the leg sets but otherwise I have committed finished

  5. Hi cloe, i am ofw in jeddah, b4 i really like to try this exercise but i dont hve time, but now i hve time for this its amazing the intense and i feel the burn of my body, i do to weejs now.. Abd lose 2half kg… Ty❤️❤️❤️❤️

  6. Like yr wo! Just one thing! Better if u wear different color bottom than yr mat. Bcz is easier to eyes to follow yr leg movemnt! Especially when u on the mat sitting🙂

  7. It´s my last day of this flat belly challenge and let me tell ya it´s so damn hard but so fcking worth it.
    The results are just amazing.
    I´m so exited to do another of Chloe´s Programms.
    Now it´s time to smash this workout one last time.
    Let´s do it.

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