1. My beardie is an insanely fussy eater. She was happy eating everything live I gave her up until she got a treat of super worms. Then she stopped eating everything else (potted herbs, dubia roaches, mealworms, cabbage, rocket, grapes, blueberries, peppers, etc) and would only have superworms for a long, long time. It's like when you give a cat wet food or leftovers after it's been eating dry food for a long time. They'll only go back reluctantly if you keep pushing them to, but now I have the same problem with baby food. She now only wants Gerber organic blueberry and apple. And she must have it from a syringe and smeared all over her face. Won't touch any of her food if I don't poke at it first or hold it right up to her so she doesn't have to move. And yet people tell me beardies aren't that picky. Whyyyyy?

  2. I just got my phelsuma grandis and its a baby (not too small but still a baby) and it does not eat and is scared of me even tho i do not touch it or anything even tho the one had the lizard and sold it to me she handled them?

  3. My gecko is a rescue who was in a 10 gallon tank for however long she was alive before I found her abandoned. She has MBD and did super well after I brought her home and got the fertilizer soil out of her tank! I decided to move her into a proper 20 gallon tank and she stopped eating and showed signs of a lot of stress. I moved her back into the 10 gallon and she began to eat and move around again happily like she used to. She’s super tiny since she didn’t get to grow in proper conditions (and without heat).

  4. Ok this is not ideal but if your gecko will not eat flip the cold hide or take it out, then move the bowl to the entrance of the warm hide. They will usually want to go into the warm hide so they will run into the food while trying to get in. After a few days put enclosure back to normal but keep the bowl at the entrance of the warm hide, this worked for my friend and I. Hope this helps and never use calci sand!

  5. What if your leopard gecko will only eat 3 or 4 meal worms and his tail is really thin. What should i feed him? He is a really picky eater I have crickets,meal worms,super worms and wax worms. But all he eats is meal worms and very rarely super worms. What should I feed him? That will faten his tail should i try other things like horn worms and dubia roaches?

  6. I didn't know that they were picky I have 7 and they eat like pigs but my baby leo is sorta picky but she came here like 10 days ago she doesn't like crickets

  7. I tried 'trail mix' -ing insects for my leos once. It was a bug blood bath. Honestly never seen anything so horrifying. Mealworms are vicious as hell and they tore the wax worms apart. Would not recommend XD

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