1. SO appreciative for your fantastic videos and evidence-based approach to training so effectively. I'm a personal trainer, yoga teacher and sports nutritionist (R.D.) and see so many people outright wasting their time "training" in gyms. I'm so grateful for your comprehensive approach to common trouble spots (e.g., glute medius weakness, hip and shoulder issues, etc). Love your explanations about anatomical involvement, causes and most importantly, specific strength and flexibility training, including do's and don't to address root causes of issues. Your experience as a physical therapist distinguishes your approach and is something I especially appreciate. So grateful for your work and for all the lives that are so meaningfully impacted by your dedication. Awesome work, THANK YOU and please keep it coming!!!

  2. Hey Jeff, just need a bit of advice. Due to a knee reco, lunges are always difficult. Can you please recommend some strengthening work and/or alternatives to the lunge? Loving the AX1 program BTW, best results I've had in years. Thanks, mate.

  3. I just started working out again after a long stretch of health problems. I wish i never stopped being active 🙁 it made everything worse. I feel like im starting from ground zero

  4. This guy knows his SHIT! I had back problems, saw the other video….feel much better. Went to the DR just to make sure, gave me 7 exercises three were identical. I was 300lbs now Im at 160 all with his vids….

  5. Oh my goodness this was so interesting! I was shocked when you said everyone should be able to do single leg hip raises! I though that was an advances move as I can only do the bridge with 2 feet on the ground. I think the front of my thighs have beem doing all the work as that's where I always hurt after a good workout. I really need to sort this out. Thank you so much for helping me identify this.

  6. THUMBS UP!!!
    then watch.

    i think i'm just fine in this area, but i'll watch and learn something new i'm sure!

    already i see that i do the first one ALMOST DAILY, lifting in the middle, in the center, and on the sides. (dudes might want to stick to the way jeff is doing this move.)

    and others almost daily …

    good video. though i didn't need it.

  7. this guy just told me my weak ness that i was not able to know from last 6 months…..you are really a mentor…you are 'DRONACHARYA' who dont ask for the thum from the "Eklaviye"….

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