1. I am so thankful that she has not loaded up her body with tattoo's….such a classy automobile doesn't need stickers!

  2. I keep a lot of your videos to try your body is inspirational. i just need to stop being lazy and try them. my plateau has me a little discouraged but i will lose the other 40 lbs by summer. Failure is not an option!

  3. Haha, you think that beginners can do all of these.
    I’m not a beginner but there’s a bunch of these I couldn’t do without months of practice/ extra core training.
    I know it’s great tho, the benefits and your physique as a testament to that speak for themselves.
    Well done

  4. Zuzka doesn’t need a man for status, to hide behind or show off to FB to kill creepy guys or ex’s. She cares about everyone’s well being. She has the maturity of an 80 year old whose husband did her wrong all those years. She loves her self because no one else will. Give her chance. She will come through.

  5. Dear z, i'm trying to join you on your mail adress but no answer. Can you explain me why z gym costs me more than 20 dollars by month instead of 9.99 $. I can't connect on z gym, and you don't answer my mail. What is going on ? Carole

  6. Zu, a beautiful woman, but also such an amazing body, which is a reflection of the work you put in! Best wishes to you for much success in life.

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