1. Thanks for your videos Tanner – they’ve re-inspired me into working out. With hectic work and life schedule, these short 5/7mjn workouts are perfect for me.

    My question is: is doing one of these intense 5min workouts, a total of three times, a sufficient workout for that particular muscle group? Or should I be expecting to do more on top of the three rounds? Cheers!

  2. Can confirm my chest looks almost like yours after two weeks of doing this twice every day. My biceps feel it aswell which I suppose is good.

  3. Your videos have helped me out so much I felt the need to say thank you for being honest, inspiring, down to earth, and helpful. I'm 47 years old and weighed 140'ish up to the age of 40 without ever working out or worrying about my weight-then everything went to hell, gaining 80 pounds slowly over the last 7 years. So for the past 6 months I decided to make a change to my eating habits, losing 70 pounds and am now realizing how much I enjoy taking care of myself and have recently began working out. This being new to me I turned to youtube for help and thankfully found your videos, because really didnt want to join a gym or (ugh) hire a personal trainer. Gains are slow, and wow the dreaded fat around waste line just SUCKS to lose but through your teaching videos I have faith! Thanks for keeping a very complex science simple for us simple folks.

  4. Did almost 3 full rounds, at the end of the 2nd round, I nearly couldn't use my chest anymore but I thought "let's get to absolute failure haha." Couldn't do the pushups anymore. I'm going to keep doing this for the comming chest workouts, trying to beat the 3 rounds, maybe 4, who knows?

  5. Great video Tanner. 9th week of dumbbell training. My girl n I shocked at my results! Keep the short trap instrumental music in the beginning after a mini intro. It's a nice brand Brochacho.

  6. I have a question it maybe stupid but I don't know??..If I do this excerise and complete it completely twice , am I hurting myself or do this twice a week cause I know it international Monday CHEST DAY…let me BOSS

  7. These workout routines are excellent. Get a great workout from them and they don't take too much time out of my day, while also providing a good variety of change to keep from getting monotonous. I always go for doing these routines 3x. Great channel.

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