1) A sense of humor – breaks the ice and she will remember you
    2) Think positive – no one likes negativity, have a little internal pep
    3) Be well groomed – acne, haircuts, beards, nails, manscape, your smell, teeth
    4) Have fun hobbies – it will make you look attractive
    5) Checking in on loved ones – check your friends and family, girls see it as caring
    6) Start working out – you are going to look better
    7) Be a decision maker – always have a plan so you can takeover, BE CONFIDENT IN YOUR DECISION MAKING

  2. 1. Have a sense of humour – eg. “ Tiege Hanley is an awful product, right? Ha ha ha! Just kidding!”.

    2. Think positive – eg. “I’m certain Tiege Hanley is going to change my life for the better”.

    3. Be well groomed – eg. Use Tiege Hanley.

    4. Have fun hobbies – eg. Get into Craft Work by making use of empty Tiege Hanley bottles or tubes.

    5. Check in on loved ones – eg. “Hey Mom, is your supply of Tiege Hanley OK? Coz I can order you some more if you’re running low”.

    6. Start working out – or alternatively, rub some Tiege Hanley moisturiser on the areas you want muscles and check the results.

    7. Be a decision maker – Decide to buy Tiege Hanley.

  3. Another question how do you get out of a runt let me paint the scene for you you your a freshman and you discovered Alex awhile ago but near 3rd quarter you just lose all motivation and stop doing everything your hobbies your skincare haircare everything I’m still trying to get out I’m trying to hit the gym everyday but as I’m a freshman I can’t really drive so I max out on pushups and various ab workouts that only seem to make me gain weight cause of the muscle

  4. Sincere Suggestion : Please please Please Alex! Get back to the good old home background.Those videos are definitely way better than videos of this background. – A huge fan of you

  5. This outfit doesnt go with the background you have there. Background is too classy for a denim jacket. Love your videos and your style man. This is the first time im commenting and i love your channel and video. none of your videos need any critique this one was bit changed. Keep it up bro.

  6. Sense of Humor: came natural
    Thinking positive: came from experience
    Grooming: on point (tiege Hanley rocks)
    Hobbies: Parkour, Working out, songwriting, boxing, gymnastics, fitness, shopping.
    Talking to people I love: everyday, but I’m texting a conversation or meet em in person, I ain’t a phone call or FaceTime guy
    Working out: 5-6 times a week, in the midst of bulking right now, 20lbs to go to make 190lbs
    And making decisions, I’m cooperative, and I’ll do stuff that she’s gonna enjoy. But typically I’ll have a plan in my head before I ask her what she wants to do

  7. people dont get it man…. these people are trying so hard to get you with those products to help you when they dont… Great video but the fix to acne is a good diet, removing sugar from your diet and any vegetable oil, plus never eat in fast food restaurants, and use olive oil. Enrich your diet with nutrition, not only will you become more attractive, you will learn about food and cooking which automatically scores you high as hell on the board of attractiveness. Dont buys stupid products

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