1. Hello, I'm from Canada! Played CFL, I turned my acl mcl and got an hto surgery. I've been thru 4 surgeries. How did you do it? I've been trying to rehab for 18months now.

  2. a little constructive criticism for you video guy. if he changed the frame rate on his camera to 24fps your videos would have a much more natural feel! the eye really catches 60fps as being a little off i guess. Awesome video though man! keep em' coming

  3. Hey josh your an ex seal so it's hard for me too understand why you can't win the games. Mind you I do cross fit in riverside CA all I see you do is bust your ass back to back…. Bro all of us under dogs wanna see you take first place put the cretics too rest… They down play you at the games the announcers… Thank you for your video post… Stay strong and health and hungry

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