1. HI GUYS! Hope you enjoyed this workout! I just noticed the the video is cut off at the last exercise right before we finish!!! Youtube stopped the upload at that time for some reason 😭 SO just make sure you finish up with one last vacuum! xoxo 😘

  2. Literally came on YT to see what workout video I should do today and I saw this video and it said "17 hours ago" *Cool Aid man's voice*: Ohh Yeah 😭💀❤

  3. I LOVE WATCHING YOUR VIDEOS and trying them out for myself!! I don’t know if you’ll ever see this but if you do can you please do a workout video in the gym? I know you said you don’t really like going to the gym that you prefer doing home workouts, but for when you do go to the gym what is it that you do?

  4. What do some of you guys do to not lose motivation? I always try to work out but I only last 3 days because I lose motivation and so therefore I never get any results 🙁 I mean one time I lasted 2 weeks working out but I got 0 results and that made me upset and so I lost all motivation and stopped working out.

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