1. Thank you so much Rebecca for having this YouTube channel and for all these videos! I’m 16 and I don’t have a job therefore I can’t afford the burn app so I’m really grateful that you make these videos for us ❤️❤️

  2. Rebecca,love your workouts but I really struggle 🙁 what can I do to improve my physical resistance? May I stop when I feel intense burn for few seconds ?

  3. i found you from xhit a while ago you’re so happy and supportive. i can always do your workouts because of how cheery you are and that’s cool. i always feel the burn lol

  4. You already had those exercises in different videos but it is another great combination to make your arms burn. I got through it and feel the burn so much but arms are easy. Gonna do some dips on top and get my 6.2g chickpeas soup in in.

  5. oh my god you just became my angel,i have tried all your workout session and transformed completely,,all thanks to you…❤even i am shocked wd my transformation..lots of love to you for inspiring me❤❤

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