1. Workout:

    1. 20 Regular push ups
    2. 20 Knee drive push ups (10 each side)
    3. 10 Explosive negative push ups
    4. 20 Incline neutral push ups (10 wide, 10 diamond)
    5. 10 Elevated push ups
    6. 15 Plank to push up
    7. 20 Archer push ups

    Hope u find this helpful

  2. After a long period.. fitness vdo published in ur channel.. try to deliver such contents pretty frequent..bcoz if u hv a grt physics u will rock with many outfits…. Style comes with great appearance of ur body..

    thnks Alex

  3. If you’re just getting started in the gym or exercising at home please do some research on how to protect your shoulders! A lot of guys get into the gym for a year or two then all the sudden they’ve got crazy shoulder or elbow or knee/hip pain and they have to stop training. Do your due diligence to keep that from happening to you please.

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