1. If it tastes like Shakeology I'm out..lol hated that stuff. By the way stop using that liquid sweetener its probably sucralose,aspartame or saccharin in it. Use an all natural 0 calorie sweetener like stevia or monk fruit

  2. I have been using “itworks” it is all natural and works great, and u can use water as well but I personally use fruit that is frozen, that doesn’t have sweetener… all those sugary juices… I use fat free or low fat yogurt, a scoop of the vanilla itworks powder, unsweetened almond milk, the frozen fruit helps with me not really needing ice, unless I just want extra crunch or I can make with no crunch..like a smoothie I like cutting up my bananas tho into mine when I use them… anyway it keeps me full as well and blueberries are good for ya and strawberries, etc… I could use water and have, u can also just do water and the vanilla powder (they also have chocolate). Do you think that is ok?? I unsweetened vanilla almond milk instead of water in it most days but drink lemon water, real lemons cut up in water in between… the powder is also good for Post workouts

  3. That was your very interesting post, here are a few more tips on how to get fit with yoga…
    Take a deep breath out: Often we equate yoga with some limb-twisting poses. And aren't you sometimes concerned that: "I can't even touch my toes, how can I do yoga?" Yoga is not about touching your toes, or stretching 98 degrees to your north-east. It’s a simple process of uniting with yourself – using your breath, body and the mind. And it’s easy and effortless.
    Yoga A New Dimension to Life: It is best to start learning the yoga practice under the guidance of a qualified yoga teacher who can lead you through the correct way of doing each technique. This would help you learn yoga postures properly and avoid possible injuries. Some of the philosophies or techniques taught in yoga may be new. It is a good idea to keep an open mind as it will help broaden and enhance your yoga experience.
    Simple wearing, high thinking: Wear comfortable clothing while going for the yoga class or when practicing yoga at home. Also, avoid wearing belts or excessive jewellery as it could get in the way of yoga practice.
    Wake up at cuckoo’s call: Although It is best to practice yoga postures early morning, if it doesn’t happen, don’t let it be an excuse to not practice yoga at all! You can do it any time of the day as per convenience.
    Smile to take you through the miles: See the difference for yourself. Keeping a gentle smile relaxes the body and mind and helps you enjoy the yoga postures much more.
    (I read these and why they work from Betwans Yoga Blog site )

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  5. 100 lbs later !! i have a question.??? if i am to start taking KACHAVA without much working out and just having a normal day being a mother will i GAIN weight.???? because I am about 100 lbs over weight.and i find myself actually not eating too much and its sabatoging me so bad.i find it hard to eat when i have to buy food for my kids and i cant eat it.plus in already trying to gain an appetite in the first place.i am one of those people that doesnt eat what youd think i do but in huge.i literally dont eat enough.the kachava would be ideal for me but you mentioned all the protien .and the last last thing i can afford to do is get any bigger

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