1. why do you give negative points for artificial sweeteners? They are the most studied chemicals on earth because people like you keep talking about all of them as something negative despite thousands of studies

  2. I tried 310 and zero weight loss just started idealshapes idealshakes and love the taste better got 2 month supply and will see what happens along with excrise

  3. I have been using JimmyJoy for a long time, but I no longer like them. So thank you for this, was really informative. Going to try out Huel as they seem to be the best alternative for me and from what I read, it looks awesome!

  4. You move way too much bro. I know its totally irrational and ridiculous but you made me soo aggravated because of how animated you were in this video and how much you were moving. I had to stop watching, but thanks for the video.

  5. guess its nice to live in europe where a "weight loss shake" has to meet certain criteria (micros and macros) so really if you live in the eu just take the one you like the best

  6. I've been eyeing the Huel meal replacement shakes on amazon for a few days now. I'm trying to steer away from the tv dinners and soda at work as I feel it starting to take a toll on my body. Would Huel be a good meal replacement for lunch every day? Not really looking to lose weight, just to eat less and more healthy. Thanks!

  7. thanks for the weight loss recommendations. I want to try ample, but it's very expensive for the vegan version. As someone who is lactose intolerant, I appreciate this review.

  8. He like so many different meal replacement that I am wondering if he actually eats solid foods. I've been doing huel for a while and I am enjoying the new bottled version that they have made.

  9. Hey man, I'm just a college student who's really crunched on time and money. I just want a shake for dinner if I get hungry towards the night, and that's about it. If you see this comment. Could you recommend a shake for just general use without any intentions of weight loss, weight gain, athletic activities, or anything else?

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