1. If increasing fat gives the body more testosterone then does it mean less curves. I don't want to look straight. Women are to be curvy, different from square shaped men

  2. So a man who doesn't wear bra's(well i hope not) apparently can tell us ladies to get rid of bra bulge. Hmmmm. Has this worked for anyone?
    How long did you do it for? Did your breast get smaller?

  3. Appreciate this video and will definitely incorporate these excercises into my routine. But how many of you besides me expected one of the reasons to be "you're wearing the wrong size bra!" 😂 (Statistics say that 80% of us do…. Yikes!)

  4. I eat estrogen hormones, so I am in trouble. Now I understand why it is so difficult for me to get rid of my fat on my belly and arms.🤔😬😑☹

  5. Great video and great name for your channel. Agree with you about having good muscle balance to help with posture etc. However, I think ultimately getting rid of bra bulge means getting leaner. A bra that fits properly also helps but ultimately if you don't have the fat you won't get a bulge!

  6. thank you so much for making this video ! I was just so concerned abt this,I toned up my belly and thighs and arms and everything but never could get rid of this so I never looked that shaped.I was looking for a solution and just found this.Hope it'd work.

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