1. Run, Fat Boy, Run.

    A chunky, clueless guy leaves his pregnant fiancée on their wedding day only to discover — 5 years later — that she is his one true love. But in order to win back her heart, he looks to finish his first marathon while making her realize her new man is the wrong guy for her.

  2. Amazon Studios just announced the release date of late night on Blu-ray and DVD same with Brittany runs a marathon because I would love to pre order both and buy them to own part of my collection

  3. I gotta say this I saw the movie Thursday night and it was by far one of the greatest movie I have seen though out the second half of the year I hope amazon studios you get ahold of lionsgate or universal to release the Blu-ray version and DVD as well same with late night DO NOT RELEASE THE IMPORT VERSION ONLY!!!! Because I would like to own both on US release

  4. This movie is what I wanted from Amy Schumer's I Feel Pretty and didn't get. I loved this movie and especially enjoyed the realistic interactions she had with men throughout her weight loss journey.

  5. I'm in Mexico and the movie hasn't come out yet, I'm looking everywhere to see where I can buy it and watch online with my husband…..with no results whatsoever! I want to watch it! Help!

  6. I saw the movie, she said in interviews she lost 40 pounds and you can see it in the movie. She is getting dressed and she looked at herself in the mirror. They show her from behind looking and you can see the weight loss. She didn't have a bubble butt anymore., her panties didn't look 2 sizes too small anymore.

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