1. Hi Rebecca!! Thanks for your workouts!! I have a very similar body shape as you. I work out about 4 days a week on average. I eat healthy and I'm in the best shape I've ever been! My problem is, is lots of people always comment on how skinny I am, and i feel like it's very negative. It bothers me cuz I work so hard and I'm happy with how I look. My goal is to build more muscle but that takes time. And eating healthy it's hard to rack up the extra cals.I was wondering if you get comments on you being petite as well? And do you have any suggestions on how I can up my cals in a healthy way? Thanks!

  2. Hi Rebecca, I want to say Thank You So Much on this day! I subscribed your channel and started exercising at the end of 2015 when I just became a single mother with a 3-week-old baby. Now, my daughter is 3 years old and like a tiny athlete, I am almost done with my degree and find a job. Even though I am still not super fitted (I am not very consistent hahaha), your videos keep me stay positive and energetic. And your story gave me faith to face the challenges in my life. I remember you have a video talking about how to escape from a negative environment. I was struggling with leaving my husband and it was so hard to raise a baby alone while going to school and working. That video helped me go through all these and it reminded me that every bad thing happened before would definitely happen again if I turned back. My plan for next year is to sign up the burn program and follow it more consistently to probably get several packs on my ab:)

  3. I love that you talk about how you won't bulk up by lifting heavier weights and that you should eat plenty of food!!!🌸 Luv you and your channel! Happy New Year!!!🎆🎆

  4. Hi Rebecca I’m 14 and you are the only reason I have become as fit and athletic as I am!! I used to be the fat kid and got bullied so I changed everything and I found you so I want to thank you I have never been so skinny so thank you so much!!!! Love ya xxxx❤️❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘😘

  5. Best moves👍🏻 great way to start the new year 😀
    I'm doing glute workouts in alternative days and I gotta include this one too😊
    I'm so excited to do this workout today🔥

    Happy New year Rebecca and family 😘❤️ Love you so much 😍

  6. Rebecca, I think you having Gunia Pigs is adorable, can't believe you had 14 of them! I rescued a Gunia some time ago, so cute. Thanks to you & everyone that rescue their fur babies/companions:)

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